Indulge in the Feelings of Love

β™• Today's Promise: β€œYou will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

☊ PR Podcast Aisha

Dear radiant bride, falling in love with your HH (Heavenly Husband) takes some time, just like you would nourish any other relationship. You have to be present, you have to focus, you have to open your heart and pour over Him. Do this closed doors, when you are fully present you will feel Him pouring back his love for you and He will slowly be filling your heart and healing you. Just decide today to make little changes, maybe for 2 min a day but be fully present and fully intentional. Know that you are speaking directly to Him and that He is listening and you will see His love for you!

I stopped attending church due to covid restrictions. Then when they finally let us gather together I attended but I wasn't feeling nurtured. I felt like I needed something else, so I became inconsistent and some days I would just not attend. I would put up worship songs and sermons on you tube. Then I found RMI and I read about RF (Restoration Fellowship) but didn't join immediately until one day I sent the form and I joined.

I agree with other ladies, my relationship with Him is every day, I wake up and I say to Him good morning, put up love songs for Him, sing to Him, start praying over my day, present to Him my projects at work and situations with coworkers. Sundays Him and I cook, we watch a Bible tv series (I like to watch it because it makes me want to read all the old testament stories to find out the details, I also love it because they project God's love for us in a way that makes me cry of love for Him) I always cry and tell Him how much I love Him and how much I am grateful for His love and what He has done for me. When I go for walks I talk to Him and sing to Him, sometimes I am so full of joy I start skipping πŸ˜€ I lift up my hands to Him because I cannot contain the love for Him. I wash dishes and I put some instrumental music to pray and talk to Him.

Me and my sister started to pray together every Sunday, she would wake up early and call me (I am 3 hours from her city) We would catch up with each other and then give thanks and pray for our families and projects. I have started doing this with my parents as well and some other members of our family. We send a zoom link every Sunday evening and some join to sing, pray and I suggested to introduce praise reports.Β  I look forward to my Sundays because I get to share with others what God is doing, and learn from others how God is moving in their lives. Weekends use to feel lonely, sad, I would let my mind just fly with things that could happen that would cause distress and bad emotions in my heart.

I no longer feel that way, I get excited to share and to learn. The Lord my Beloved has filled me with His presence every minute of my life!Β  It happen all of a sudden, I think as I went through all the lessons in the RRR courses I was encouraged to seek Him and I just did it, every day started to do changes in my life, if I caught myself thinking other things God didn't put in my heart then I would switch most of the times to meditate on the Lord's word, sing, pray, praise and asking God to help me change. He heard me and He is leading me every day to enjoy more and more of Him!

Some Sundays I would go for walks, I would go grocery shopping, I would read a book, go for a run, I would do my nails, facials, listen to worship, listen to finance classes, singing love songs to my Beloved, journal my new english Bible! I love this so much, I started in Genesis and I make notes to my HH (Heavenly Husband) of the things that He makes me fall more in love and be grateful to Him! I also draw and color on the side inspired on the things He spoke to me about. The key is that I do all this and I talk to Him, or He talks to me, sometimes I find Him reminding me old dreams I had, things He put in my heart long time ago, and we plan ways to do it in the future or I think I remind Him of the things I did when I was in my first love with Him years ago and just indulge in the feelings of love by Him πŸ™‚

β€œYou will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

~ Aisha in North Carolina
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Read more Testimonies to gain a better understanding of
Milestone #5 Fellowship with HH - How I Spend My Sundays