“But his delight is in the Law of the Lord,

And on His Law, he meditates day and night.

He will be like a tree planted by streams of water,

Which yields its fruit in its season,

And its leaf does not wither;

And in whatever he does, he prospers.


Alexander Scourby

Listen to Erin and read along...

"Hello Everyone!

There is nothing I love more than reading along as Alexandar Scourby beautifully reads through the Bible! Very early in my own Restoration Journey, I heard about God's promise of meditating on His Word, day and night, and how the outcome would be whatever I did I would prosper. So I began spending hours reading the Bible and learning the verses and principles, by making 3x5 cards (that I talk about in God's Makeover). BUT reading through the Bible terrified me, silly but true. It sounded like such a huge feat many bragged about, and even though I was an avid and voracious reader, I never attempted it. Until… the Lord showed me something amazing!!!

During my longest fast of 40 days (but that I only made to 30 days), I read through the entire Bible three times by listening to Alexandar Scourby while following along in my own Bible! During my earlier fasts (most were 3 to 7-day fasts) I found that I loved to “feast” on HIS Word. In the morning I’d read for an hour and then another hour in the evening, replacing HIS Word with food.

The wisdom that He has given me to minister all these years and write life-changing books was due ONLY to the wisdom I have from reading and listening to the Bible over and over and over again.

What I want to give to each of you and your families (which you can easily do right NOW while your husband is gone) is what I KNOW will work for you to be able to read through the Bible, unlike anything you’ve ever seen or heard about. I personally have been through the Bible more times than I can count. HOW? Just by listening to Alexander Scourby read through the Bible while I READ along in my own Bible.

* When you read and listen to it at the same time, it not only makes reading through the Bible easy to do, but it makes it much more powerful and what I have recommended to people around the world for many years. Here's what the Lord said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’”

If you simply read and listened to Alexander Scourby (who has a beautiful voice and who I image is the Lord, Himself, reading it to me) you will witness a complete transformation not only in you but also in your family if they join you or even if they do it on their own!!

And guess what? When I bought the audio CDs I invested over $200 that I was paid for speaking on HomeSchooling. Now I do the same thing on my phone!

There are 70 hours to listen and read along with. So, even if you do just 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening, as we did as a family, that’s 70 days or less than 2 ½ months—to read through the entire Bible!! Think about how many Christians have struggled to read through the Bible in a year!!

What I love is how you can breeze through the Bible, reading the difficult words and hearing them pronounced correctly, so it doesn’t slow you down—but allows you to grasp the full meaning of each chapter. Let me share a testimony with you...

While I was still working with our first publisher, Mt. Zion Publishing in Pensacola, Florida, I shared this method with Pastor Shelton (who founded the ministry and was my spiritual father). A month later I came back and he told me that Reading and Listening was life-changing! This brilliant man wrote dozens of books and was a well-known scholar and yet he said it not only allowed him to go through the Bible 3 times in one month but that he was able to grasp things he never understood before. And yet...

This method is so easy, I used it to train my children when they were very young, allowing us to go through the Bible as a family EASILY. On our farm (that I share about in Macy's Barn Cat) we'd met in our living room twice a day, morning and evening to claim God's promise in Psalm 1:2-3 (that Encouraging Women has since renamed PSI23).

My oldest children would each have their KJV Bible on their laps, while my youngest 3 listened as they'd put together puzzles on the floor. As our Spiritual Leader, Dan said "we'd read and listen for 30 minutes in the morning to start our day and again in the evening." 

And now, years later, the Scourby foundation has designed their apps to do exactly what I recommended and did for YEARS!! It actually highlights the portion he’s reading! Here's a YouTube video to see what I mean.

Just before my 16 year anniversary (celebrating the date I truly became His bride), my Beloved gave me my present—I purchased the Alexandar iPhone app, and the next day I invited Yvonne to join me in a special Telegram Group that He led me to name "EW PS123 R/L 5+5"

...that simply means Encouraging Women Psalm 1:2-3 Reading/Listening 5 minutes in the morning plus 5 minutes in the evening.

Everyone can easily give God (and themselves) 5 minutes in the morning and evening to be washed in His Word—yet you'll find, as both Yvonne and I did, you will more often hunger and thirst for more, add more and more time!! Nevertheless, He says “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

So please just stop right now and ask Him, "Lord, if this is what You want me to do, show me, LEAD me—just make it happen" and I promise He will!! When, not IF He does, remember to share your PRAISE! GOOD NEWS!

When you SUBMIT YOUR PRAISE and you choose this option: 

Praise about 💝 Reading through the Bible—will give you the opportunity to join a Telegram group.

Would you like to JOIN our "EW PS123 5+5" Read through the Bible Telegram Group?

Maybe this isn't the Narrated Bible you prefer—especially if you want to read and listen in another language, FANTASTIC, there are several languages to choose from—jump to the top of the page and click on the link—or start a PS123 in your OWN language.

CLICK HERE so we can rally around and help support you! That's what the Encouraging Woman logo means, YOU are in the center and 2 other brides hold up your hands so together we can PRAISE what He's done by using you!

“But [Your NAME] hands were heavy. Then they took a stone and put it under [her], and [s]he sat on it; and Aaron [Bride #1] and Hur [Bride #2] supported [her] hands, one on one side and one on the other. Thus [her] hands were steady until the sun set.” Exodus 17:12