He No Longer Loves Me

Β β™• Today's Promise: β€œBut seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

~ Kim in Jamaica

☊ Thank You Audio

Hello team members I know this section is for expressing gratitude right after completing Course 1, but I just want to tell you guys once more thank you for all your hard work and help. I will be tithing to RMI soon. It's quite challenging for me at the moment but with God all things are possible. I love you guys so much and be blessed in abundance. Love you.Β 

Hello my name is KimΒ and i would like to share with you a book called How God Can And Will Restore Your Marriage. It has changed my life and therefore I want you to have it.

Yes I recommend WOTT [By the Word of Their Testimony], the testimonies show how great God is. And it's good for people that are hopeless to read this book in order to see that there is hope no matter what.

My marriage has been destroyed because I was insecure, selfish, rebellious, proud, contentious and thought everything has to be done my way, it gradually over time changed into a friendship because we completely stopped intimacy and my husband became cold in his feelings for me. I didn't know what to do, so I started praying for my marriage and watching other stander's testimonies but they would testify but never told me steps or principles to follow by using the word of God. So I would watch but still feel hopeless. I started to do warfare prayers to the point of exhaustion, because I never knew about giving my battles to God. Then I planted a seed at my previous church that I now let go of and the seed I planted was on the behalf of my marriage.

This seed was from my heart because I wanted God to change my husband but instead he directed me the day after I planted the seed to search for help online for my marriage when I found an encourager video on YouTube that lead me to RMI. When I found the hopeatlast website and read this is your divine appointment I knew God answered my prayers through the seed I planted. Then I devoured the information in the book How God Can And Will Restore Your Marriage. I started to apply the principles and my focus started to change from trying to change my earthly husband (EH) and from pursuing my EH, with pursuing the change inside of me and with pursuing my Heavenly Husband. My earthly husband told me he no longer loves me and to him I'm just a friend but since I read FAL [Finding the Abundant Life] my focus changed again to pursuing a deeper intimacy with the Lord, the one that lead me to completely gave myself to the Lord to the point that I no longer cry or feel hurt anymore. But God is still working inside of me.Β 

I would like to say to a woman on the team that has been helping me and other women God bless you, and to any new bride be encouraged and strong. The Lord is with you and I pray Father God for a hurting woman, she may be sad but joy awaits her through Your son. Bless her heart and strengthen her, amen. I may not be able to donate and give back now financially as I wish to because it's my honor to help other females but one day I will contribute financially to RMI. I shared RMI on social media and I told others about RMI and I will continue to do so. Love from me to all the team members

Kim is aΒ tithing​ partner. Learn more.

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"Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measureβ€”pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.” Luke 6:38

β€œDo not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19–21