If He Promises, Believe He Will

β™• Today's Promise: β€œHe will make parents reconcile with their children and children with their parents.” Malachi 4:6

~ Rut Ester in Puerto Rico

☊ PR Podcast Rut-Ester

Dear brides, I want to share with you how my Beloved answered one of my requests, a deep desire of my heart.

When my earthly husband (EH) left, our son was 2 years old and our daughter was 2 months old. For a long time I was sad because she didn't spend time with her dad and EH was missing out on her. Due to the pandemic, the children went 7 months without seeing their father. They only spoke by video call. Since my girl was very young, she did not interact with him.

In the RYM course, I read this verse, "He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents." (Malachi 4:6) I prayed every day asking my Beloved to restore the heart of their father to my children and the heart of my children to their father. My Beloved gave me the opportunity to move close to family, including close to EH, and finally my children saw their dad. For my girl he was a stranger. She had only spent time with me, her little brother and with my mom. I prayed Malachi's promise every day and declared it every night when praying with my kids before going to sleep.

Beautiful bride, His promises are fulfilled. He has restored the hearts of my children and their dad. My little girl knows when daddy comes to visit them. She walks quickly to the door (because she doesn't know how to run yet) and greets her dad with a hug. She sits down with him to spend time together. She rubs his head the way he likes it. She is a sweet and loving girl who melts her dad. Dad is amazed at how different she is compared to her little brother. My boy does everything daddy does. They are very similar physically, like a carbon copy, and my Beloved has already put it in the heart of EH to help educate him.

Beloveds, I have been praying the same promise for over a year and my Beloved Heavenly Husband (HH) did it. Only He has the power to change our situations and hearts. I encourage you to trust Him alone. If He promises, believe He will do it.

β€œHe will make parents reconcile with their children and children with their parents.” Malachi 4:6

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