MET: Encouraging the Broken and Hurting

Dear Partners,

I just want to take the time to again thank you for your faithful and support. Many who are led here are broken and hurting. They are in desperate search of something that will make them feel like they matter, they are heard, and not alone. Your generosity ensures that each lady to who comes looking for hope, inspiration, and encouragement receives that and so much more.

Because of your gifts, we are able to introduce or re-introduce to them to the One “…that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” which is demonstrated by your willingness to ensure that the resources that we provide remain FREE and readily accessible. We thank you for sowing hope in their lives and allowing us the opportunity to reap a beautiful glimpse into their transformative Restoration Journeys.

Here are a few Praise Reports within my Ministry

One of our active Bi-Lingual ladies, Dayana, recently wrote to us and stated “Hello, I just wanted to thank God for putting this ministry and the books that are completely changing my life. I am so grateful for every circumstance in my life. I am falling in Love more and more in love with my HH. This email is not to complain or say anything bad, this is just me seeking prayer…….I dont deserve anything and neither should I complain because I trust my Love because i know he is working, iΒ Β dont have any lady believing with me, so please pray with me and for me. Thank you and God bless!

We responded by reminding her that “You are correct when you said that you don’t have any lady believing with you, because you have an army of women in this ministry who are believing with you and praying for you! You are never far from our hearts or our prayers and we have been so encouraged by the growth that you have experienced along your Journey. As you enter into this new phase of your restoration journey, just know that as long as You continue to trust in Him and follow the path that He illuminates for you that He will fight on your behalf. This battle is not yours and He is actively fighting on your behalf and we cannot wait to see how He works this all out for you. We pray in agreement with You… “

She wrote back to us twice telling us “Thank you! Amen! I will keep you updated on how glorious he is now and with what is to come :)” AND “…God is amazing and He is telling me faith is unseen. To just trust Him and no one else, not even my eyes :)”

It is such a blessing to see how He is moving and transforming the lives of His Brides :)!!

Here’s What’s New!

Oftentimes as our ladies progress along their Journeys they come to understand how He uses trials to help us grow in faith, perseverance, strength, and trust in Him and the perfect will that He has for our lives. It is at this point that they write to us for prayer to be paired with a prayer partner. While we are always constantly in prayer with and for them, we recently began inviting those who requested prayer partners to join our Prayer Team.

Our Prayer Team is solely focused on praying for other ladies who are traveling this narrow road with Him. Joining the Prayer Team affords each lady the opportunity to spend additional time in His Word and in time alone with Him, but to also shift their faith and focus onto another. It is when we are willing to give sacrificial praise, prayer, and faith that we would use for our own personal benefit that we begin to see how extraordinary the power of prayer is when we place others first. Our Beloved uses this simple sacrifice to reveal another dimension of Who He is and just how much He loves us and will move and fight on our behalf.

Our Prayer Team is now expanding and I am waiting with bated breath and tip-toe anticipation to see how He is going to move!! πŸ™‚

And so each of you knows how much your support means to my ministry, here are just a few of the many women you’ve helped and just a little of what each of their situations was when each first found us and HIM.

Recently we received a completed Marriage Questionnaire from a lady who was deeply devastated where her husband of 20 years returned home from a 3-day motorcycle trip and announced that he wanted a divorce. She lovingly poured her heart out to our Beloved and requested “Please God, let me hear You speak to me”

We responded by encouraging her to open up her heart to Him, reminding her that β€œYet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion.”

Just 4 short days later she began our FREE “At Last There’s Hope” course and stated that “It just seemed to click for me finally, that i really do need to focus on God my HH, and give it all to Him.”

Now she has a prayer of hope “Dear Lord, I Thank You for directing me to, I feel this will help me to understand how to get closer to You, and to become the wife I should have been.”


I thank you for this privilege to serve. I am SO unworthy. I too came here desperate and searching for something, anything, to ease the pain of my broken heart. I thank you for that pain as it was just a glimpse into how I had been grieving you while you lovingly pursued me, and I was too focused on my personal interest to notice. I thank You that YOU remained faithful to me and allowed a marital crisis to come upon me as it was the ONLY thing that got my attention. Now you have blessed me immeasurably. Not only am I RESTORED and living in the space that I prayed for, but I have YOU! You are all that I want, all that I need, all that I live for, and I am SO thankful for the opportunity to share my testimony with these precious, beautiful ladies that You have sent to Your ministry. I love You! Amen!

Do you feel unworthy or incapable of being used by God to minister? Trust me He can use you by just letting Him know you are willing. 2 Timothy 2:20-22 My prayer is that if you feel a tug, or a nudge, or hear His still small voice lovingly speaking to You, and that you answer His call and share you voice and your testimony with the beautiful Brides that He is sending to you. We are all unworthy and incapable. But, the wonderful thing is that He knows it, and He loves us anyway! He will give us all that we need at the precise moment we need it. All you have to do is come with a willing spirit and He will do the rest!

~ Cierra in Kentucky
Marriage Evaluation Team

β€œRestoration Happened Quickly and Suddenly”