I Can Claim Double

These last few months the Lord has really been concentrating on showing me how my thoughts are not His thoughts. I have a wonderful example of this:)

In July, Tara ordered some Wise Woman books for me. And there is a prayer group that she was invited to while coming to work with me and I thought this would be the perfect place for the books. But please know I did not consult with the Lord, this was just a thought I had.

So, this order of books took forever to get to me and once I traced it, it was one thing after the other that went wrong. Mistakes from my side as well as the service provider. This kept going on for a while and at one stage, we received an email that seemed to say that the books had been returned and that we can claim a refund.

The message was not a 100% clear so I phoned the service provider, spoke to someone else entirely and within 2 days the books were delivered to my doorstep!!!

Now the lesson the Lord wanted to teach me here again was my thoughts are not His. Because I was trusting Him that I can claim double for this and that He will work this out for good, but in my mind, the books were already gone and I was waiting to see how He will have me order up a new batch. So He had to show me, that He can do far better than have new books ordered.

He will give me the old books and He will show me who to bless. Wow, He is just so amazing. I believe that this is all just small things He is showing meβ€” wanting me to grasp some bigger concept that I am not getting yet. I am sure my Heavenly Husband will lead me to this bigger concept when He knows I am ready to accept it:):):)

β€œFor my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. β€œAs the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV)

This is not the first or second time I have quoted this verse:) I am also so humbled that my Heavenly Husband is so patient with me, teaching me something that He knows I have to grasp and correct in my thoughts.

~ Yvonne in Botswana

RMI African Director