RESTORED Marriage Testimony: “Despite the Circumstances”

☊ RMT Audio 

Amélie, how did your restoration actually begin?

It all started in June of this year, when my husband called me in for a chat, asking if I was calm, and told me he wanted a breakup because there was no future for both of us together. I accepted, believing that maybe I could reverse the situation later. We agreed to stay in the same house for a while, at least, because of our 6-month-old son (at the time), and also because of two puppies we have.

However, after a few days, I fumbled with my husband's cell phone and discovered a betrayal. I was absurdly angry, physically assaulted him, told some people and kicked him out of the house the same day.

How did God change your situation, Amélie, as you sought Him wholeheartedly? 

Even though I was devastated by everything I discovered, "something" inside me told me: "Don't give up!", "This is not the end!", "Be still and know that I am God!".

So I decided that I would not give up on my marriage knowing that I would seek God's restoration. But in the early weeks, my pride was still high and I did a lot of wrong things. I quarreled with my husband, told people I was betrayed ... I thought I was the victim. When I just needed to "wait" on the Lord, trust that He would transform my husband's life and then restore our marriage. What a fool I was!

Until one day, I was very sad, and I decided to search the internet for testimonials of restored marriages. I found a wonderful one, here. When I found RMI that's when God gave me the promise in Isaiah 41:10 “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” 

Then I was directed to the book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage. When I started reading, I found it ridiculous, totally wrong in what I was saying, and left the reading aside. However, later, after reading another wonderful book, I was again guided to read Erin's book and God began to remove the scales from my eyes.

I began to realize that, in fact, the problem was with me and not with my husband! I was an aggressive, angry, quarrelsome, jealous, boring, complaining woman ... And many other bad adjectives. I was a very, very foolish woman! I realized that my husband was a hero to endure 6 years married to me. So as I began to seek the Lord and truly make Him my Teacher, my Lord, my Shepherd, and He began to transform me into a new woman.

What principles, from God's Word (or through our resources), Amélie, did the Lord teach you during this trial? 

I have learned to make the Lord the first Person in my life, to always turn to Him before anyone else; He taught me to trust Him, He taught me to act calmly, patiently, not to fight back, not to defend myself, to wait patiently, to leave my husband to be free to live as he pleased, trusting that the Lord, in His time, would do all things to despite the circumstances.

What were the most difficult times that God helped you through, Amélie?

The most difficult times were when my husband really got involved with OW, making plans with her, saying that he liked her, wanting to introduce our son to her; when he once filed for divorce, when I knew the times he slept in OW's house ... Everything that involved OW and him was very difficult to deal with. But the Lord always prepared me before and was always present in my life when the struggles came and I turned to Him alone for love and support, for everything.

Amélie, what was the “turning point” of your restoration?  

Wow ... I always dreamed of answering that! I believe the turning point was when I made it clear that my husband's life with OW didn't hit me, that I no longer suffered for him. That's when I allowed him to go out with our son and OW (although the meeting didn't happen! Glory to God !!!). Also, when I stopped trying to find out about my husband's life. No more asking about him, no longer looking at social networks. I didn't question anyone, not even him.

God allowed me to show myself to be a happy, happy person. I'd let go and he knew it. It was the new me. And I believe that brought us closer.

Tell us HOW it happened, Amélie? Did your husband just walk in the front door? Amélie, did you suspect or could you tell you were close to being restored? 

He was at our house, having dinner with me and began to feel severe pain in the spine. Knowing he's having a back problem and sleeping on a sofa bed, I told him that he could stay in our house if he wanted to sleep in a bed. He accepted and stayed for two nights and then left. One day later he invited me to go with him to an evening event. We went together and he asked if he could sleep at our house again. Three nights turned into a week, a week turned into a month, and one month turned into Him never leaving—to the honor of our Lord!

He didn't tell me anything about coming back, about definitely "coming home." But one day at night, while we were sleeping, he hugged me and said, "I want you around forever!" I am waiting for our Beloved to move, trusting that the work He has begun He will complete and together, my husband and I, as well as our beautiful son, will witness the great deeds of the Lord in our lives and in our family.

Would you recommend any of our resources in particular that helped you, Amélie?

I recommend first reading the book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage, next the Daily Encourager, Devotionals, and Courses as a must. Be ready for your husband asking to sleep at your house. Begin laying the foundation for his return by taking A Wise Woman course. There is no doubt within me that this Ministry is God's active instrument to assist women who are struggling in their marriage

Would you be interested in helping encourage other women, Amélie? 

Yes, a lot!

Either way, Amélie, what kind of encouragement would you like to leave women with, in conclusion?

I mean that NOTHING, nothing is too hard for our God!

Even if your husband tells you that he no longer loves you, that there is no way, that he likes someone else, that there is no future for you, remember that a man's heart can make many plans, but prevailing are the purposes of the Lord. And our God is a God who loves families, loves marriage. And His desire is to restore what is broken, so that His family may be a living testimony of the power of God and how loving and faithful HE is!

Do not give up! Let go. Although the circumstances are very daunting and challenging, don't give up! Do not give up on God's plans for you. Enter through the narrow gate to every circumstance!

The ending is very rewarding! Life with a Heavenly Husband is wonderful! What He has for you is infinitely better than you can ever dream. Not even your best dream will come close to the reality God has prepared for you and your family. I send you my love!

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