Their Relationship β€œSeemed” so “Hot”

I thank the Lord and praise Him because I just noticed that at the beginning of my marital crisis I prayed this verse Psalm 37:10 “A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found.”

As you may remember, my marriage was recently restored. However, the OW has a child with my EH and we together don’t yet have children. So this for me was going to be a great miracle. I hear that during holidays, my mother in law who had come to visit asked my EH that she heard about some things, so what is happening and what can he say?

He gently explained that nothing because with the OW there can’t be a relationship, it was just a strategy to see his son (they separated when she was pregnant and she had never allowed my EH to see the child since 9 or 10 years, they had never met). He said even if he divorces me he will never be with her because of some reasons he gave. That his conscience told him it was not good what he was doing and he stopped everything, he was not intending to be with her. This was told to me by my sister in law because I was not there.

I just want to praise the Lord because His word is true, He is not a liar, He is powerful and turns whatsoever around. At that time their relationship seemed so “hot” (in fact the way I was seeing my EH believing anyway, weekends, appearance, the hate wall or rejection… I can’t give more details but I’m sure you understand what I mean, for me there was no way he’d ever return to me). But the Lord did it, actually, it’s like that OW never existed. Before I heard about that conversation, I noticed that since my EH said he doesn’t want to divorce anymore almost 3 months ago (there was still distance between us), but things were already like calm, it was as if the OW has just disappeared, or evaporated, I was not feeling anything abnormal or negative, my EH is normal, calm at home, on time after work…etc like before the crisis.

I’m speechless!! And I want to say thank You, my dear Lord,, You’re my first Husband, I’m like understanding what other women used to say, I want the Lord, it’s not enough for me that he turned Him back to me (he has started initiating intimacy too), I know it’s the Lord I want, my Dear Husband, He is all I want, all I need, all I want to live for. Today I want Him to take all of me and receive all my love.

Psalm 37:10 “A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found.”

Dear sister read the verse and pray on it, when I say pray, what I did, was to say, “Maybe Lord I’m not using the good words to reach You, nor the spending enough time to pray, but You know I do want to do things perfectly, show me how. For now I’m here sitting, this is Your word please do it for me, because You are good, You love me and I want to trust You.” And the Lord did it! It encourages me to believe that He will finish what He started, even if my husband has not yet confessed anything, but he is clearly coming towards me, glory be to God. So the Lord is faithful, do your best with all your heart, apply the principles, they are true and keep us from being hurt and at the same time concentrate to love the Lord our 1st Husband and the more important thing to do or learn to do.

~ AdeleΒ 
Was I Sincere in the Apologies I Made to Him?

Taxes “Somehow” Prepared

I was praying over my income taxes because we are legally married. I didn’t want to trouble my EH about it. So instead I spoke to my HH about it…

WELL! Today my EH called because the place that usually does our taxes “somehow” went ahead and prepared them … My EH asked if I had and if not if I had everything together. So tonight I was able to give him all my receipts to have them done properly! PTL!! Only my HH could pull this off !!!

Phil 4:19 “And my God shall supply all of my needs according to His Glorious riches in Christ Jesus !!!”

I also have a Praise to show how God is working in the lives of my family!

My stepson accepted the Lord this week!!! This is the most amazing news and I’m over the moon!!! How faithful is my beloved HH !?!!

John 14:14 New International Version (NIV)
“You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

~ KristaΒ 

Read moreΒ Salvation Stories.