A Retrospective: A Memorial for Our Bride Valentina

Dear Brides,

It is with such a heavy heart that I share the news that our sweet dear~ Valentina from Brazil passed away.

Our sweet bride Valentina is
No longer with us, but is now with her HH.
“Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and
His bride has made herself ready.”
—Revelation 19:7

When Valentina first came to restore her marriage, in 2012, she began by volunteering and was soon our Portuguese RESTORED Marriage Minister. For many years Valentina helped make the Portuguese ministry what it is today.

Once restored, Valentina took an extended sabbatical soon after He called several other women to take her place. When we called her back, this past June, we believe she returned so we could help make her ready for her wedding day with Him. We are so thankful we got to know and love Valentina for all these years. She will remain an inspiration and be missed by us all.

Lastly, below is Valentina's final praise report. It was scheduled to post later, in April, but He said to move it sooner. We believe you, too, will be in awe to see what she wrote. 

A Retrospective 

I’m doing a retrospective of all I lived in 2017. I’m very thankful to my dear Lord and Husband for everything that happens to me in 2017. First, we discovered my mommy was getting sick (mentally), then we decided she needed to live with me. At the beginning, it was difficult to both of us (me and mommy) but my Lovely Husband was always by my side, guiding me and comfort me. Nowadays we are very well living together. We even started doing Pilates and Bible Studies together. Praise my Lord!!!

Another thing that happens in 2017 was my return to RMI. What a lovely surprise! It never came to my mind that I would come back, not that I wouldn’t like to. But “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. and how I took care of myself.” Is 55:8-9 NIV. Being part of RMI again has been wonderful and exciting. I’m learning new things and He is reminding me about old things. I met my old and dears friends and met new ones too. He is wonderful!!!

My Lovely Husband has been turning my mommy’s heart to my husband and to my mother in law too. He did the same with my husband’s heart: turns his heart to my mommy 🙂 “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it whichever way He wishes.” Pv 21:1 (AMP)

I’m very excited what He has for me this year!!!

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. and how I took care of myself.” Is 55:8-9 NIV

~ Valentina in Brazil
Our Portuguese / Português Minister who will be greatly missed.
Restored Marriage “The Changes God is Making


Though Valentina had no idea that His plans were for her to join Him, being far higher than she or we could ever have imagined. Reading her final statement, "I’m very excited what He has for me this year!!!" we would do well to ponder this thought: Who do we know who needs to be contacted after losing contact as Erin was led to do? Who is He saying in His still small voice, "This woman needs to be My bride, and I'd like you to help her be ready for My sudden return?"


A site to share with any English, Portuguese and Spanish women who need to learn how to be drenched in His love.