Marriage Evaluation Team “EH Expecting a Baby with OW”

This Praise is from *Stephanie who I have been texting with Stephanie for more than a year since she relocated from the same town we were staying in. Stephanie just recently found out that her EH was expecting a baby from OW.

I gave her a copy of the God Can and Will Restore book a year or two back but Stephanie has a lot of ups and downs during her RJ. I just thank my dear HH that I could always encourage her when things got really bad and point her forward to continue on her RJ.

At times when she would text me things would seem very bad but I thank my dear HH for always giving me enough faith to lift Stephanie up with the truth of your word!

I have also been copying and pasting the daily PR’s and devotions for Stephanie as she has not had data to read these.

Stephanie really went through a trying time this week after finding out about the baby with the OW but praise God for not just my encouragement but encouragement from other ladies which led her back to doing her courses and Stephanie again becoming encouraging as she encouraged other women faced with difficulties in their marriages!

Stephanie just told me today that she had a conversation with her husband which has not happened for months, she said that the conversation was very agreeable whereas before it was always stormy.

Walking with Stephanie in her RJ with all its ups & downs week after week and then her finding out her husband was having a baby with the OW, there were times that even I felt discouraged but I am amazed at what our HH is doing in her life!

Dear brides and Partners, I want to thank you so much for your financial support!

My husband was working on contract which ended in December. And of course January too came with its own financial challenges as my daughter started a new school due to us relocating in December, not only did we have to buy stationery but new uniform and sports uniform too.

As any parent would know that the purchase of uniform and stationery at the beginning of the year can add up to quite a bit and that is why on behalf of my family and I.Β  I want to thank our Partners for the financial support which came when we needed it most.

As I said my husband had been working on a contract which ended in December and we were waiting on a call for him to start work in which He would be paid weekly, so we thought that everything would be ok as he would get paid every week. He did not start working until the end of January so as I said the financial support really came when we needed it most!

Most of all I want to thank my HH because I have been able to lean and rely on Him at times when I would worry, remembering and standing on your promises dear HH kept me at peace, even when we were told that there was no place for my daughter in school as the classes were all full.

As my husband and I sat in the Principals office he literally got a call to say a child had left and there was space for our daughter. My EH was amazed, he had told me in the car on the way to see the principal to pray. Then when we needed the finances for uniform and stationery it was provided for.

Thank You, dear HH, I want for nothing as you always provide, at the perfect time and in the perfect way!

Lord I also want to thank you for calling me and anointing me to minister to hurting women. It started off as just a dream, being able to minister to hurting women, then it became a reality, then I was financially supported. You have far surpassed my imagination!

I am grateful and thankful because of what You have done through RMI. Allowing me to stay at home with my kids and being there for my daughter during school holidays because You called me to full-time ministry. And now my daughter can also come home from school instead of staying at someone else’s house or aftercare (which is an extra expense). You know there was a time I worried how I was going to do this when I resigned from my job and relocated. You took all my fears and had the perfect plan for me, You knew my heart and you have blessed me!

Do you feel unworthy or incapable of being used by God to minister? Trust me He can use you by just letting Him know you are willing. 2 Timothy 2:20-22 *

God can use you by just making yourself available and even, one day, give you the desires of your heart to be a worker@home doing ministry. Do not ever be afraid that you are incapable because God qualifies us for His kingdom. All you have to do is to SEEK HIM to help you because you’ve already began your journey and have so much to share to help women!

I have learnt an amazing thing πŸ™‚ And that is to seek Him in ALL that I do and that even when I am unsure all I have to do is ASK and then rest in Him.

Build up for yourself your treasure in heaven where most and rust cannot destroy it. Our dear HH will prepare you and anoint you for anything you may feel led in your heart to do concerning His work!

~ Atarah in Namibia

β€œBetter for Me Then, than Now”


Roberto just sent us a picture of their new baby. Scroll to the bottom of his Restored Marriage Testimony:Β Β β€œYes! Yes! Yes!!” Β