What Was the Level of My Faith Sincerely

β™• Today's Promise: "Do not worry about anything; but in everything make your needs known to God through prayers and supplications, with thanksgiving." Phil 4: 6

~ Adele in France

☊ PRAISE Audio

I would like to thank my Heavenly Husband for a really quick answer to a prayer made in a "not too serious" way I would say.

Like I really just said to Him, please Lord can you just make a small gesture, a miracle in relation to the situation, and I moved on, as if I had forgotten or that I was not there too much hung up like on certain subjects that I consider more serious or important in any case. But I remember that I did it while thinking of the sharing we had with the girls during the Sunday Zoom on how we talk to our Heavenly Husband, simple conversations. He's our Husband, you have to not hesitate, in addition He answers... etc.

Recently I had to go to my sister's in the USA, but despite the documents and the like, I couldn't leave because of the border closures. Considering the small gifts planned for them and my nieces who were young in age I thought it was better that I send by mail. We were confined, we didn't see anyone. I couldn't think who to give them to and in addition there were personalized gifts with their first names. So I sent them. Except that my sister and her family were leaving the USA to settle in another country. I got it on a Friday where she explained to me that all their things were gone and that there were things that she had ordered that had not arrived. It worried her a little because they were leaving on Sunday. It reminded me that I had sent her a package and I did not really dare to ask her clearly if she had received for fear that we would both be disappointed when leaving their house and everything was already saddening her a bit.

After talking with her I said that to the Lord, like that standing at my place, "please, there is only tomorrow, Saturday, can you make a gesture, one last little miracle..." etc. I could not tell you if I really believed or not, what was the level of my faith sincerely...

Sunday afternoon my sister sent me a message very happy about the "surprise" I gave them, wondering why I hadn't told her πŸ™‚ how my nieces were so happy. She had received the parcel on Saturday during the day and they were leaving on Sunday. My heart jumped so much for joy when I remembered the "prayer", telling me He did it, my Heavenly Husband is good and kind. I received it as a great wink and couldn't believe it. Thank you Lord, for your interventions every minute, receive my love and my many thanksgiving, please.

"Do not worry about anything; but in everything make your needs known to God through prayers and supplications, with thanksgiving." Phil 4: 6

This verse has struck me a lot in recent weeks, in the face of the difficulties that may arise, and in the verse we have GOD's response and action.

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