The Lord Revealed It at the Right Time

♕ Today's Promise: "My child, if you truly want a long and satisfying life, never forget the things that I’ve taught you. Follow closely every truth that I’ve given you. Then you will have a full, rewarding life. Hold on to loyal love and don’t let go, and be faithful to all that you’ve been taught. Let your life be shaped by integrity, with truth written upon your heart. That’s how you will find favor and understanding with both God and men—you will gain the reputation of living life well." Proverbs 3:1-4

~ Sara in Turkey

☊ PRAISE from Sara

After surrendering to Him, I then decided to send a WhatsApp message asking how was he doing. Well, I didn’t have his number on my phone, but I remembered our divorce papers, maybe I could find it there, but I couldn’t. Then the thoughts began, that maybe this was a sign for me not to send anything. It was of course an opposition. But that morning He had guided me through Nehemiah and that was a reminder that when the work is for the Lord we will face opposition. I asked the Lord what to do, and He immediately brought to my mind the app Skype, and there I could easily find his number.

I saved his number on my phone and immediately send the message. I was trembling, I don’t even remember how much faith I had, but by the grace of the Lord in less than 5 minutes my FH (former husband) sent me a reply!

We were able to talk and I learned so many things, I love how the Lord revealed it at the right time! He then invited me to see him and after a few days, I went. I confess that I was afraid things would go the same as the first time I went to visit him just two years ago, and to tell you the truth part of it was.

I went through a hard time when he asked why we could not be intimate, unfortunately, he didn’t understand it, how can he?? He does not walk with the Lord, and as the verse says the wisdom of the Lord is foolishness to the world, and that’s what he thought. The Lord gave me the grace to resist, and when he left, I thought to myself "not again, Lord I cannot go through this again". And I prayed and asked the Lord to help me and give me the opportunity if it was His will to share about Him. I cried, I prayed and didn’t sleep, but my Beloved was with me, giving me verses like the King's heart is in His hands, and that nothing was impossible to Him. I asked for a miracle because I could not go against the One who I love the most.

Ladies, sometimes we will face situations and tests. I could easily have it, I could be together with my FH (former husband), dating him again, but that would be the wrong and sinful way. The enemy will bring to your mind saying that you are a fool, that now things will never work, that God will never do. But you should Stand Firm on the Rock! The ways of the Lord are always good and right!

The Rewards of Wisdom

"My child, if you truly want a long and satisfying life, never forget the things that I’ve taught you. Follow closely every truth that I’ve given you. Then you will have a full, rewarding life. Hold on to loyal love and don’t let go, and be faithful to all that you’ve been taught. Let your life be shaped by integrity, with truth written upon your heart. That’s how you will find favor and understanding with both God and men—you will gain the reputation of living life well." Proverbs 3:1-4

Our Turkish Ministry Pastor and RMI’s Senior Translations Director
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