Even While We Doubt

โ™• Today's Promise: "Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness!" Psalm 150:1-6


Come JOIN ONE of ourย Wise Woman Fellowship Groupsย this WEEKโ€” with 3ย ๐Ÿ’™ย ๐Ÿ’šย ๐Ÿงกย different times to choose from!

~ Atarah in South Africa

โ˜Š PRAISE from Atarah

I fell ill and after a couple of days of rest and recovery I switched on my PC and it just would not start! EH (earthly husband) also tried but to no avail, it just would not switch on...

Praise my HH (Heavenly Husband) who always takes care of me as my PC was still on guarantee :)) \o/ so I was able to take it back to the store. They checked it but they too could also not get it to switch on so it was booked in for repairs.

He did not leave me without a PC as I still had my old PC which is very, very slow but I was able to continue working ๐Ÿ™‚

After the 3 week period of waiting I went back to the store but was told it was actually 21 working days. They asked me if I had heard anything from the supplier and if I did not hear anything from them within the 21 working days they would replace my PC which was a relief to hear as it meant that I would not have to wait longer!!

I went back on the date they gave me and it was smack bang in the middle of the festive season so the store was very busy. It took them a very long time to help me and I needed to be patient and looking back it would have been easy for me to become frustrated and not have a very good attitude but I want to praise my HH because He not only kept me in perfect peace but gave me the heart and understanding for these ladies working in customer service to see that they just need my understanding and kindness which I could see they appreciated ๐Ÿ™‚ Having a Kindness on my Tongue definitely worked in my favour \o/

There were times during the long process of them sorting out my paperwork where I really was not sure what would happen, doubts would creep in because it did not look like they were going to replace my PC and when they eventually gave me a slip for a credit amount, it was for the amount that I had paid for my PC when it was on special but when I went to check and asked a sales lady for help and she showed me my PC, the price had gone up!! During the whole process all I could do was speak to my Love and to just trust Him knowing that this was a problem for Him to solve and take care of.

It would have been so easy to get upset and to question but looking back I know it was due to my Love that was with me that I did not. I told the sales lady that this was the PC I purchased and that I wanted the same one and she asked when I had purchased it and I told her. She did not say anything... and the next thing I knew she went to the back and came back with a box, the same as my PC!!

She then took me to the cashiers and I gave my credit slip, I had doubts because the credit slip was R1000 less than the PC price and I was concerned because I did not have the money to pay in the extra...

Brides He took care of everything! The cashier completed the transaction and I got my PC!! A brand new PC with a brand new guarantee for another year ๐Ÿ™‚

I just know that my HH (Heavenly Husband) takes care of me because the same thing happened with my washing machine, it got fixed just before the guarantee expired \o/

I am so thankful and happy to be typing out my praise on my new PC and I am thankful that He kept me once again in perfect peace throughout the whole process!! Sometimes it's not easy and doubts creep in but I have also learned that I need to be patient and obedient throughout the waiting, joyful giving my Love thanks and praise \o/

"Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness!" Psalm 150:1-6

It is so important to have a heart of praise not only during the wait but even while we doubt, even when we are not sure of the outcome, even as we struggle. When we do give him thanks and praise we can be assured that HE is faithful!!

RMI's Evangelist Branch Director.
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