Friday #LALBride “Everything just Felt like a real Honeymoon!!”

Hello Brides!!

Today is Friday and it's the day for the LALTour PR. If you are following the Encouragement blog you know that I finally met Tara here in Turkey o/o/

I was a little bit nervous when I saw her for the first time, can you believe it?!?!? But there was no need for that—Tara is the sweetest young woman I ever met, she is so kind and lovely that sometimes I find myself thinking: “Is this woman for real?”

I’m sitting now in our flat in Turkey and I can’t get tired of the view, in front of me the Mediterranean Sea, and on the back, we have mountains, my two favorite combinations of places and Tara’s as well. Is it possible to be more in love with Him?!?

He really knows what He plans, I am always in awe. Tara and I have so many similarities, let me share about some of it.

On Saturday we decided to spend our day on the beach enjoying the warm weather and cold water, well Tara was brave enough to swim, but I preferred to just enjoy the sun:)

We went to buy bathsuits in a mall. We didn´t need to walk much, He led us to a store that has a variety of suits. Entering the place we shared our type and color preferences, and it is normal, many likes one piece bathsuits and the black color. I think I had picked five to try and Tara had picked even more:) When I finally chose one, I saw Tara as waiting for me with the one that she liked in her hands. When I asked her opinion about my choice, she was looking strange at it, and I asked her if she didn’t like my choice. But she just laughed and showed me her choice, and said that we picked the same!! 😉 So we went with matching bath suits to enjoy the Mediterranean.

A few months ago a dear friend gave me a Study Bible and I was so grateful. When asking the Lord where I should begin my studies, I felt lead to go to the book of Acts. I love the whole Bible, but Acts is one of my favorites books!!

On Sunday after the huge Turkish Breakfast, we decide to explore the city and we were delighted with everything that we saw.

I was amazed to see that most of the missionary travels that the apostle Paul made was here in Turkey. We are now in the region of Pamphylia, where Paul and Barnabas came after preaching in Paphos Cyprus (Acts 13:13). We feel that we are following their steps somehow.

Our first stop was at the museum and we were not expecting to see what we saw there—it was full of ancient history dated back to Biblical times. I can’t explain how incredible it was to see with our own eyes some of the things that were written in the Bible.

There were so many statues from gods and goddess just like Paul saw in Acts 17:16-34, one of them was Diana/Artemis of the Ephesians that Acts 19:24-38 tells us about.

After exploring the touristic and historical sites, He led us to a beautiful place inside the wall of the Old city where we could appreciate the view and enjoy a good Turkish coffee (that become Tara’s favorite!). While looking at the sea and the movement around us she told me the same thing that I was thinking, that everything just felt like a honeymoon!! I shared with her that the city and all the locations that we went were places that newly married couples go to, to spend their honeymoon. Thank you Beloved for your love and care, there are no words to express all that we’re experiencing together, we feel truly like Brides!!

In the next LALBride Tour PR, we will be back sharing about our visit to Perga and Lystra, the city where the apostle Paul was stoned and dragged out of the city (supposing to his death), but he got up while the disciples stood around him (Acts 14).

We also will share a little bit about the Turkish Ministry, now after finally meet Nehir! She will be here with us teaching us about the Turkish culture.

If you are curious about the places that He is taking us, follow us on Instagram!!

Until next Friday!!

" While they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Acts 13:2

"Strength and dignity are her clothing, And she smiles at the future." Prov. 31:25

"How beautiful you are, my darling, How beautiful you are!" Songs of Solomon 4:1

"My beloved is mine, and I am his" Songs of Solomon 1:16

~ Sara, who currently lives in Turkey
RMI’s Translations Manager

MINISTRY NOTE: Tara is staying with Sara in Turkey. Next week He's taking them on tour by locals "A daily visit to the hometown of the Apostle Paul", which I'm sure Sara will share about next week.

Their tour continues when they'll be traveling to Athens, Greece (Acts 17:16).

After Greece, they fly up to Dublin, Ireland taking the train north to Belfast, Ireland before crossing the Irish Sea to Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland.

Then Sara  & Tara will take the train down to London, England where they will be meeting at least 3 brides who've contacted us! One is Adele whose RMT you read last Saturday "Was I Sincere in the Apologies I Made to Him?

After heading to the European continent He's orchestrated meeting two brides in Paris, France and also another bride (and former minister) in Vienna, Austria.

Be sure to FOLLOW His brides:

Sara  & Tara are on Instagram #LALBride 

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If you’re one of His brides too— consider meeting to fellowship with them along their Abundant Life Journey throughout Europe.

If you are excited to meet us, as excited as we are to meet YOU, please email:

We will let you know the dates and locations of where we will be and write you back.