Friday #LALBrides in the UK: Scotland and LONDON!!

Hello Dear Brides!!!

Friday is the LALTour PR!!I'm so glad you are following the Encouragement blog  o/o/ But first and most important I want to Praise the Lord and thank Him for His grace and Love! Only with You, my Beloved, is everything possible. This is the verse from the beginning of my RJ that I like to speak daily in my life, a powerful promise that I learned in this Ministry.

For years, when people asked me a place that I would like to visit, my answer was to give a list of countries and the number one was Scotland! But because He is God, He not only brought me to my dream country but also is fulfilling all my list!! Yes, Brides, He is amazing and again with Him, all things are possible!!

We left the beautiful and GREEN Ireland in a large ferry, it was my first time on one of those, it looked like a shopping mall, never realized how big it was:) The journey to Glasgow (Scotland) across the Irish Sea took less than two hours. When the ferry arrived it took two more hours to get to the city, and I was so excited going to Scotland that I could barely sleep the previous night. But He being the perfect HH gave me rest in the bus and I could sleep most of the way... you probably saw me sleeping on Instagram:) By the time we arrived in the city I was refreshed and could enjoy the rest of the day!! On the next morning, we took the train to Edinburgh.

What great welcome we had when we got to our destination, I am talking about the amazing view of the Edinburgh Castle. When you look up and see the castle it seems that it is carved in the mountains, FANTASTIC would be the word to use here!!

I am fascinated with castles, and that’s why Scotland was the number one on my list, so I made a google research and discovered that there are over 2000 castles in Scotland. Ah the Lord, He will always give us more than we can imagine 🙂 castles are everywhere here, I didn't get to see all 2000 castles but I saw many of them. I also visited the most famous one: The Edinburgh Castle!!

The castle is huge and the history behind it is even better:) We saw the Scottish crown jewels there!! The crown jewels of Scotland are a breathtaking sight. Known as The Honours of Scotland they are displayed in the Crown Room and are surrounded by a special exhibition. Unfortunately, photography in the exhibition area was forbidden, so be sure to click on the link so you can see it. The crown and the scepter are beautiful, but what got my attention was the Stone of Destine, they believe that it was the stone used by Jacob as a pillow in Genesis 28:11. Truly marvelous!!

Edinburgh is full of legends, myths, and history, and so we made a tour of the Medieval city that is more beautiful than the modern part. Walking through the city we saw traditional clothing worn and we could hear the Great Highland Bagpipe everywhere!!! On our very first day in Scotland, we saw an old man wearing a kilt—he was playing Amazing Grace!! The love of our Beloved is everything that we go, giving us everything!!!

While traveling, I’ve had a little issue with my suitcase, a wheel is not working. Would you believe that when we got in Ireland, sweet Tara was carrying it for me? She said that she didn’t mind, that she was doing her exercises 🙂 Bless her heart !! I was feeling so badly about it and asked the Lord if He could provide a new one and He did!! Praise Him! A gift that was a blessing for both of us!!

On Wednesday we went very north into the Highlands to see the Loch Ness in hopes of seeing Nessie 😉 According to the tour guide Nessie is a she because: “She never shows up, she is never on time and you can never find her" Rsrs... Here is a video of Nessie (from a Creation Expert that Tara's family knew). So we crossed the Loch (lake) by boat in a course of 1 hour! Ah incredible Scotland, It's by far my favorite place! Tara also agrees, in fact before coming to Scotland we were talking that we are having such a great time together with Him and He always surpasses our expectations, we think it never can be better and then He does far better than we can imagine each time— thank You, Lord!

Now is finally the time to meet some other Brides, meeting two or three in London o/o/ o/ We are so excited to meet you ladies 😉 I will be sharing all about our meeting on next Friday's LALTour PR. Ladies, if you want to know how you can be living the Abundant life, please see our Abundant life books and 2 Abundant life courses on this RF link 😉

Also, don’t forget to check the pictures and fun videos on Instagram to see more of Scotland and the other places that He took us! If you are new to our blog, the LALTour PR is posted on Fridays, so be sure to follow us here too!!

"He came to a certain place and spent the night there, because the sun had set; and he took one of the stones of the place and put it under his head, and lay down in that place." Genesis 28:11

"For nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37

"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations [n]forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3:20

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake." Psalm 23:1-3

Until next Friday when we'll be heading to Paris to meet more brides!!!

~Sara currently in London 😉
RMI’s Translations Manager

I hope that you’re just excited as we are for the Fridays LALTour PR 🙂 If you are curious about the places that He is taking us, follow us on Instagram!!

MINISTRY NOTE: Tara and Sara left Turkey, visited Athens, Greece!! (Acts 17:16) and flew up to Dublin, Ireland and then traveled north by train to Belfast, Ireland. Belfast is where Erin's grandfather was born and immigrated from.

Last week they crossed the Irish Sea by ferry and made a short stop in Glasgow before heading to Edinburgh, Scotland.

Then, yesterday, Sara  & Tara took the train down to London, England where are meeting at least 3 brides who've contacted us! One is Adele whose RMT you read last Saturday "Was I Sincere in the Apologies I Made to Him?” They are so excited to finally meet her!

Their first stop on the European continent is PARIS! That hadn't even planned to go there, yet He lovingly orchestrated a meeting with two brides in Paris, France and also another bride (and former minister) in Vienna, Austria—and have already agreed to venture into Slovakia!! So excited to meet and spend time with Aimée!!

If there is ONE principle we repeat and follow it's He LEADS ME...

Psalm 23: 1-3—
“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He LEADS ME beside quiet waters. He restores my soul.”

Be sure to FOLLOW His brides:

Sara  & Tara are on Instagram #LALBride 

Let go of the past embrace the new you. Use your BNN and sign up and LIKE #lalbride and then ask Him how you can begin to find hurting women who need to find His

If you’re one of His brides too— please consider meeting to fellowship with them along their Abundant Life Journey throughout Europe.

If you are excited to meet us, as excited as we are to meet YOU, please email:

We will let you know the exact dates and locations of where we will be and write back to connect.