♕ Today's Promise: "In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another..." 1 Peter 5:5
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~ Poppy in Costa Rica
Dear Brides,
Mid April during Easter I got a phone call from my mum telling me that she fell in the street and she was a bit worried. With that peace that only the Lord give us, I drove to her house and found her in the bed with ice on her hand. Her fingers were completely purple and there was a small circle ball in her wrist.
She is 76 years old and she was in pain, so the Lord lead me to take her to a private clinic so she was seen by a doctor as soon as possible.
We went to that clinic for the first time and she received an excellent service from the doctor, the nurses and the X-rays. She even got a pain killer injection that calmed her considerably. When the doctor checked the X-rays, he said that an orthopedist needed to see her and just to come that day it would cost us a huge amount of money but that if my mum had the social insurance then he could give us a reference to the Public Hospital, where by the way she had all her medical records as she is a 30 years breast cancer survivor.
We took the X-Rays, the medical reference with the diagnosis of her broken hand and we headed to the hospital that was a few blocks away. As this is a public hospital, ER consultations take usually lots of hours to make it, but thanks to our Beloved the attention was beyond normal and we spent less time that normal. Praise the Lord. So my dear brides, let me tell you that the Lord orchestrated everything for our good and I can not thank Him enough for it. We went to the private clinic, her pain was reduced, the bill was so affordable and we got to get to the public hospital for half of the normal time without paying a penny.
Isn´t He amazing? Taking care of all the details?
I am now taking care of her until her plaster is off, but I praise the Lord as well for giving me the opportunity to honor my mother in the way He wants us as children to do it.
“‘Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord." Leviticus 19:32
"In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another..." 1 Peter 5:5
Our French Ministry Pastor and RMI’s Director of Operations
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