EM: Men’s Ministry: “A Real Journey of Faith”

Dear Partners and all those who sow into RMI, I want to thank you for your sacrifice and Believing with us for what the Lord will do for so many broken marriages and a way to reach others who need to know Him.

Here are a few Praise Reports within my Ministry

From Jacob who was at one time Restored

Hello.  I thank all of you who have shared your testimonies of restorations. God bless you.

When I found this course my life had been destroyed for the second time with the same person. Sadly I was not yet prepared to receive the blessings of a true marriage and I was still not completely a new man and to take care of my wife and family. I thought it was. Instead, once God restored my marriage, I was soon back to being the selfish man, angry, unforgiveness, vindictive, man—among other things— like the first time my wife left.

Then one day I complained to God saying everything was wrong and then He said that He did everything for me, but did I do everything necessary for me to really change? No, I hadn't. What I needed and what I had forgotten was to seek God first and talk to Him about everything.

Knowing that it is the will of our Father (God) that He gives me my gift back, my wife, my family, I am starting over again. Starting the new courses again knowing I must change I must be ready.

Thank You, Lord, my beloved. I love you. Thanks for the opportunity, when in 2016, you have led me to this site, and they truly taught me to know You and understand Your words. Here I am today and they are helping me again to start over. Thank You for giving me a second chance.

Hello, my friend, companion traveler. I hope you will learn from my mistakes and truly learn what courses will teach you if you open your heart to them and just make them part of each day. The courses will give good support in moments of difficulty.  Do not give up and stand firm in God's Words, through our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Holy Spirit you will see a miracle just as I did and I will again. See you...

One Marriage Restoration seems imminent and another man has introduced another man to our books focusing on helping others.

Quoting Hebrews 11:32-35 (ESV) I encouraged my men by reminding them that so often we may feel like we have entered the end. Be encouraged.  The psalms often urge us to “Look up to Him.” Believe that this is not the end for you or your marriage. As sure as the Lord lives there is a resurrection coming in your marriage. You have been called for more and better life through His death. You are not defeated!

Then I helped them to Have a Vision. I said, "This year dear brother I do believe the Lord has been speaking to me about having a vision for my life.  It just keeps coming up everywhere I go and finally I knew I had to stop to write down my vision for 2018 and beyond. So, let me ask you, dear brother, what’s your vision for the remainder of 2018? How are you planning to attain it? What is your strategy?  Are you making an effort toward it? When you do your journal, do you see a trail of what God is doing in your life? Do you see progress? Do you see more order coming to your life? I sure did.

"I did not have my vision written back when I was going through my marriage restoration journey. I did keep an audio journal and when I listened to it I saw things were changing in my perception, my understanding and my faith. I was growing, and noticing my character change. This allowed me to have a specific desire for the future. So I hope you are keeping a journal for this reason. I also hope you can show your wife the journal when she comes back to you, so she too will know it was a real journey of Faith and see everything the Lord did. My Odelia was astounded when she listened to my audio journal because God’s hand became so obvious through months.

Asking them to look at Proverbs 29: 18 (ESV) and Psalm 37: 23-24 (AMP)

Finally, I asked them all, "How are you doing with your emotions? Are they drawing you closer to the Lord? My marriage restoration journey was one of the hardest things I ever did. It was an emotionally draining journey of anger, despair, elation, frustration, hope, faith, happiness, success and everything in between. What a roller coaster ride the Lord saw me through!  My wife’s attitude and phone calls were heartbreaking. Yet, the Word filled me with Hope. This month, I urge you to notice where your emotions are taking you. Whether you are angry, frustrated, exhausted, humiliated, drained, happy, or hopeful— let your action be His word. None of us at RMI can say we made it on our own. I certainly took as many opportunities as I could to reach for the Lord.

Psalm 16: 8 "I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken."

Here's What's New!

For the first time, we have a lot of men who are going through the courses. We hope this will form an online community in order to encourage men to seek Him.

I spoke with a man who has retired to seek help. He seems to have re-committed to finish the courses and Seek Him fully.

We have a man who has committed to translating A Wise Man to French soon after being blessed by another man who had translated the RYM into the French language.

Father, I thank You for using me. I was not worthy. Yet I pray to be useful in Your kingdom. I pray for many breakthroughs and that You are who is seen and Heard and not me.

~ Tad RESTORED in Australia

Encouraging Men