I Can’t Control It

β™• Today's Promise: "The heart of the righteous ponders what to say, but the mouth of the wicked pours out malice." Proverbs 15:28

~ Sofia from Slovakia

☊ PRAISE Audio

Today I want to say thank you. And praising my Heavenly Husband how much it helps me to be His bride. I have known for a long time that I have a big problem. It is when I feel rejected, unloved, or just when I feel wronged. It happens to me especially with my loved ones. Sometimes all it takes is when they don't meet my expectations and I can't keep quiet. I talk a lot and my words hurt. My Love constantly reminds me that He is love and that is not how I should behave.

I apologized to the EH (earthly husband) this morning. I wrote him a very short message. I know that we shouldn't contact EH, but I also know that it is necessary to ask for forgiveness and even though I hesitated about what to do, I handed it all over to my dear and sent a message. Thank you Love, even if I make many mistakes You never leave me and You always use everything for my good.

EH (earthly husband) did not respond and so I left it as it was and just kept begging my Love that I could remain under His protection. I praise Him for everything He does. Today He brought EH home, his car broke down and so he had to come. He didn't say anything, but we had coffee and talked for a while. I am calm and continue to wait for Your guidance and to see You fight for this family.

I saw it today and thank you very much...

"The heart of the righteous ponders what to say, but the mouth of the wicked pours out malice." Proverbs 15:28

I already know that talking a lot is often harmful. I can't control it, only with God's help I will change. Now I can see it and even if I can't do it, I know that if it is His will, He will change me, because He loves me, not like a person, but He has a perfect love for everyone.

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