MTM 📱 Ministering 💝

I’ve just arrived back here to Encouraging Women after the most delightful and rewarding experience over on our Hope at Last blog where our sweet Kristine from the Netherlands 🇳🇱 posted a Praise and I was led to comment on

As I concluded my comment, I am here to encourage each of you who are still using your 🖥️ 💻 to slip them into your laptop bag or turned them off if you use a desktop. Then snuggle on the couch or in your favorite chair with your husband and instead use your phone to minister.
I already mentioned many of the benefits so let me take a moment to explain that I fully UNDERSTAND just how challenging it can be, and how much easier it is to type on a computer and see everything on a full screen because…

For 86 days my husband took my laptop 💻 computer and left me to not just post comments or post praises, but I was doing all my administrative RMI work from my phone!! 😳Impossible even when I think of it now. But we know nothing is impossible WITH Him.

It just required me to be more connected and more intimate with him. Now, I don’t think I need to explain the benefits of that!!!

As you get better, you’ll also be able to utilize the tool bar as an author or editor (which, by the way, we are eager to move up as many subscribers, who are ministering by posting praise, and by commenting on posted praises —and that ESPECIALLY includes YOU who may not have been one of our ministry team members).

Now, let me conclude with a word on voice typing. When I first began voice typing, it didn’t know my voice at all, and I had more typos than I had typed anything that made any sense whatsoever. The same thing happens now when I wake up in the morning Ha ha ha 😂 —I t doesn’t understand me. So once again, I have to ask my husband for help… Which is a good thing, right?

Yes, it does make what I write far less formal and much more real raw and fresh but that’s what He’s said we need to do. We all enjoy reading what is real and raw and fresh and transparent, Am I right?

And because my husband knows I like things as clean and tidy and neat as I can, I usually go back and read through fixing a few things. Sometimes I see a typo on something that’s already been posted that I can easily edit if he leads me to do it. If not, it’s OK because we women listen/read from our hearts 🥰 don’t we? A man is built to listen from their heads 🤨, that’s why they are called to sit in the positions that they are. We women on the other hand are blessed to listen from our hearts 💕 unless we have become more like a man. But as Kristine would say, having her Man and experiencing his love 💗 transforms us all into His bride so we cannot only listen from our hearts we can speak from our hearts ♥️

6 thoughts on “MTM 📱 Ministering 💝”

  1. That is do right, Erin, must to learn to use the voice typing thing also and where i can find it on my phone. I know you have a iPhone but i use a Android One.
    Luv how we minister to each other is this way 😁

  2. Am I missing something or is there a way to get notifications when someone replies to a comment I add or comments on a praise/blog I post? Sometimes I can be forgetful 🙂 and not remember what I commented on and a week or so goes by and I notice someone has replied.

    1. Hi Hope Darling, thank you for you question, yes, you are supposed to be notified in your inbox. Check your spam, maybe it is there. If not, let me know and I will have a look 🙂

      1. I just went to look, and it seems that if I post a praise, then I do get a notification. If I did not post the original praise and I am just commenting – I don’t get notification if someone replies. I did check my spam folder and I didn’t see anything.
        Even if it’s not working I still want to praise Him for all these great new modifications like the reply button and the hearts 🙂

  3. Voice typing does not understand my latin access English 😂 😂 and it is kind of funny to see the result after trying, but yes I have seen lately how important it is for Him just to keep our praises from our hearts ❤️ instead of making it to look so perfect. Trying to do my best to follow His lead about using my phone to post praises and asking for His wisdom to create and share the videos as well.

  4. My Beloved does not stop surprising me, this year He definitely wants me to get out of my comfort zone… for me, it has always been crucial to keeping every detail “perfect” or at least within the limit of what is (socially) acceptable, and It has been in every aspect of my life, the last year he called me not to wear makeup for a long time which was not easy knowing that I had many blemishes due to acne that He is using to heal my heart.

    I’m the type of person who notices small mistakes and I’m always there to fix them, the same thing happens with PRs, I try to write them in such a way that they look as good as possible, hahaha but for me, it’s one thing to write and another to talk, I’m not good at speaking, I can’t find the same ability to write as to speak. It’s as if my brain were faster when I spoke and I said more inconsistencies. But as I read this PR I feel that He keeps calling me to be transparent and reminds me that just as He used Moses with his slurred speech, He can do it with me 🙂 so I don’t have to worry about my perfect image, but instead, please Him by being who I am and allowing Him to work in me to change everything he wants to change!!

    Finally, He reminds me “Don’t worry about ANYTHING; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done” F46
    He is marvelous 🥰

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