Bitter or better?

I am on honeymoon❤️‍🔥 and during this period I could went for walk with Him, early in the morning One of these days, I was listening to Erin’s living lesson `”Bitter or Better”:

First of all it was like a dejavú, because I was listening to Erin’s voice again while walking on the sand, sometimes wetting my feet in the sea like I used to do in the beginning of my journey, listening to the Be Encouraged series… this is one of my favorite remembrance of how I felt encouraged with what she shared in the midst of the turmoil that I was going through,

By that time it was impossible to think that someday, somehow I would think about it and have some good remembrance about it, but I do!!! I really do!! Even though it was the hardest time in my life!

This living lesson – Bitter or Better – is about this in some sense, looking back there were a lot of chances for me to become bitter, but because of Him and all I experienced here I could overcome and became better!🙌

Like Erin says, we are witnesses of how many women came to our Ministry so angry, so bitter that they couldn’t bear the principles and what we share and try to live here – and unfortunately we couldn’t help them to overcome because many of them are stuck in themselves – in the “i” of bitter😔

Not only I thought about my own journey, but I also began thinking of how to share this in Portuguese – trying to find two words that could give the same sense as “bitter” and “better” – and I asked my Beloved to help me and show me words that can make sense as I wanted so badly to share this message – and of course He did!!!

He showed me “FEL” for bitter and “MEL” for better (with 1 different letter!!) and He led me to find the way of explaining and share this wonderful living lesson with the ladies in our ministry 💌

Erin uses the example of how siblings living the same situations could deal and overcome the bad ones in so different ways – some become bitter, others become better… I have 2 sisters – actually 1 sister and 1 cousin, I consider her as a sister👭 as she lived with us for a long period of our lives

The 3 of us went through a marriage crisis and each of us dealt with it so differently! Of course I am not any better than they are… but as I cried for help,
He rescued me and freed me from myself and I could stop being bitter, as I let go myself and my desire became to have He, and He alone!

I am so thankful I found RMI and I have such amazing women by my side💕 I can listen to Erin’s voice, read daily encouraging praises and lessons and could share with you, dear friend, how it is to live and be on a honeymoon with the Best Husband a woman could dream of having and the continues changing my heart and mind, while I gave up being bitter and become better everyday because the way He loves me and changes my heart!

” I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” E3626

4 thoughts on “Bitter or better?”

  1. Thank you dear Paula for sharing. ❤️ How nice that your husband has given you those two words (sour), so their marriage has been difficult so far and the same thing happened to me… and yes, concentrating on oneself and locking oneself in self-regret does not help at all, we need to get out of our minds and think about the others not only in our pain.

  2. Oh dear Paula, thank you for sharing… It’s so exciting to be on honeymoon with Him, and see how He reveals to everyone what they are looking for in Him.
    Happy to be able to be living now exactly the word He gave you “Honey”, sweet, smooth. Because many times some situations in our lives that if we look very carefully we will be in the “Bel” bitter, resentful, but that is not His desire for us. But his desire is that we be more joyful and happy in Him every day.❤️

  3. Oh Paula what a treat for my Saturday. To envision you walking along the beach, and God providing the opportunity for me to be there with you and comfort you. Now we are close dear friends and I feel just as close to you.
    I’m also in all that finding two similar words in many ways help define this entire concept, even more beautifully… If I understand the comments it’s like instead of better it’s sour and instead of better it’s honey. Beautiful absolutely beautiful.
    I am in complete agreement to feel so utterly and incredibly blessed that I two can compare my siblings and the bitterness. They experience after their divorce, that they still “taste” and even “spit” out – – not quite as shocking as verbal vomit but nevertheless, I don’t want to be around when it happens.
    Compare that to my own experience. The first time with Dallas’ father I just was plus with my very very first Bible! Isn’t that incredible? Growing up Catholic in the 1960s having a Bible or reading your Bible was very frowned upon. This was left to the priest who had a degree in theology, Of course, too, no relationship with the Lord was ever discussed. But that too was different from me as you read in
    But because of my relationship with my best friend, for so many years coupled with actually having a Bible, I was able to come through being abandoned with a small child without bitterness. Instead, my heart broke for what my EH was going through.
    The second time everyone knows is when I met the Love of my life and who can be bitter when you have someone so so so so much BETTER?!
    Over the past few weeks ministering to my younger sister, who is very involved with my older sister, both who are divorced each time that marriage or that FHs name is mentioned it’s bitterness in their mouth they are forced to spit it out. My my this definitely is a vision He’s painting for us, isn’t it?
    Nevertheless, as I’ve shared elsewhere, my younger sister has made great strides during her time of fear and anxiety and brokenness waiting to hear the results of her surgery. Now that she’s tearfully 🥹 praising him for the results, my prayer continues that she continues wanting more of him and establishing him and his proper place as her Husband who will meet all of her needs. Because we know the more HONEY 🤗 from her Husband (thank you, Paula) the sweeter she will be and any bitterness towards her FH or our older sister (who is so broken and so bitter) will be gone – – thus enhancing the real possibility of her being a minister too!!!

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