Today l want to purely encourage you ☺️

I have been sharing this link with our new Apprentices but having looked at the list of lessons l know that l did not do the Facing Divorce course even though l have been through a divorce.

L1 MTA Courses

Because Gods word says that we need to study to show ourselves approved l am also trying to do or complete the courses l may have started to “Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman [tested by trial] who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth.”

Adina who has completed this course is currently posting weekly on HopeAtLast blog about the FDA and l believe Yvonne as well and they both have so much to share because it will not only encourage you if you are going through a divorce.

I am also currently trying to complete the Moving Mountains Course and l have 2 lessons l read that l need to journal but l have started sharing praise about what l learned and how it relates to my life on LoveAtLast❤️

So today l want to purely encourage you 😊 where are you currently at? Is there a course that you started that you need to complete?

I feel like i have been so neglectful of my Love the ONE that loves me unconditionally and whose love im so grateful for it bring tears to my eyes. The one l run to when l face trials and difficulties who l can cry and speak to when l feel hurt or afraid.

Im really glad to get back into reading and journaling because l know it will draw me closer to HIM and making better use of my time. I stopped journaling for a while but now l’m so grateful to my Love for sparking the desire in me through many of you who are coming to share about all you are learning and how you are growing its really wonderful and encouraging ☺️I hope today that l could encourage someone to have a look and speak to your Husband about starting a new course or completing one you started.

If you are looking for the relationship that many of us speak about in the blogs, having this amazing Husband l would highly recommend the FAL series.

I know this is going to be so good for me and for you too 🥳

2 thoughts on “Today l want to purely encourage you ☺️”

  1. Thank you for sharing my dear Atarah!! I just love the way our Beloved is directing us to become ministers!! The courses and journalling really make a difference! All the FAL series changed my life forever and I know is scary to do the course of Facing Divorce, but there is a lot of wisdom that we can apply to our unique journeys!!

  2. On Thursday after a VERY trying and difficult day my Husband told me to close my computer 💻 for the day—it was only 9:30 🕤 in the morning!!! Of course I didn’t hesitate and only a few minutes later HLM to call Yvonne to ask how she was doing (her Husband had kept her from sleeping 😴 and I knew she was exhausted ). One of the first things she told me was that she was going through FACING DIVORCE AGAIN. I had to clarify which she said she’d missed because there is a WORLD of difference between the two.
    We had a good laugh 😂 as usual and that’s when I told her that Adina has been discovering some of the BEST and MOST USED promises and principles hidden in that book. It’s a shame more don’t read and journal it REMEMBERING there’s an epidemic of divorces happening all around us. Being prepared to help others clearly comes with fantastic rewards and benefits and perks
    Sooo thankful for how GOD has used Yvonne to reignite RMIOU now referred to IOU that’s just a bit more fitting and the perfect reminder of how much WE OWE HIM—“YES MY DARLING I OWE YOU EVERYTHING I AM AND ALL I DO—-there’s no one like YOU “ 💗💗💗💗

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