This week we had a storm here in a town in South Africa, but I was unaware of the storm. Prior to that day there was a few days that I struggled to sleep (I think it was because of the house searching because we are moving), but I then said to my Darling I just want to rest in His arms. “When you lie down, you will not be afraid, when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.” P3:24 The next morning I got a phone call to ask if we are ok, because of the storm that took place and my response was; Oh there wasn’t a storm. But when I went out, I saw that the neighbor’s tree had fallen on their wall and blocked the way, but it didn’t even touch my wall. So there was a storm, but I slept sweetly in the arms of my Darling unaware of any storm.

And I have to add another praise. My eldest son went for an interview yesterday. After going for the interview and discussing the benefits (which were much better than his current job), we agreed and prayed together that if it was our loving Lord’s will that he get the job, he will. A few hours later he received a phone call to inform him that he got the job. I give my Darling Heavenly Husband, my childrens Heavenly Father all the glory and praise.

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.


19 thoughts on “IT IS ALL MY DARLING”

  1. Oh, what a beautiful praise Janine. I went through the same storm and we were awake through it, so I know exactly what you missed. It was terrifying, but He gave me such beautiful promises and just like He allowed you to sleep through the storm because you needed it, He allowed me to go through the storm and trust Him to protect my friends and family.
    This is such a perfect example of each of us having our own path we walk with Him right? Sometimes He protects us by letting us sleep through it all and other times He has go through it with Him guiding and protecting us the whole way.
    Let me share the promise He gave me this week:
    “Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will be blessed. “The Lord will conquer your enemies when they attack you. They will attack you from one direction, but they will scatter from you in seven! “The Lord will guarantee a blessing on everything you do and will fill your storehouses with grain. The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.”
    I read this during the storm and it immediately calmed my heart.

    I also want to share a lesson that He had me think of while I was reading your praise, Janine:

    I am so grateful that He is making a way for your son’s future as well. Opening the windows of Heaven.

    1. I love how you put it dear Yvonne, it is really a perfect example sometimes our Darling lets us rest in the storm and sometimes there is a reason you must be awake, a chance to trust Him in the storm.
      What a beautiful promises dear Yvonne, I love it and I love this Living Lesson.
      I am so grateful that my Darling is opening the windows of heaven over my children, He is just wonderful.

  2. Hello Janine, what a great praise. The proctection of our Heavenly Husband is always with us.

    Your praise let me think of the story that the diciples where in de boat with our Beloved. He was sleeping but they where afraid and wake Him up. After that he calmed down the storm. The lesson that i learned is that no matter what is happening around us, because our Love protect us we can sleep wel. Even the storm shall listen to Him and us when we ask Him.

    In peace I will lie down and fall asleep, for you alone, Lord, make me secure.

    And so great that your son has a new blessed better job. The blessings of your HH is flowing over to your children.

  3. What a wonderful Darling Lord we have dear Kristine, His protection is really all around us, not matter the circumstances.

  4. Oh, BLESS YOU, Janine. I took the time to read what you said about sleeping in the storm and even went to the wLL and HLM to fix something, but then ADD something, too!! What I wrote, wow, so wonderful my Darling taking me back to me visiting family and haha the fortune cookie “The best is yet to come” and YES, HE WAS RIGHT this moment in time is more than I ever dreamed!!
    I could say more, but my Husband said to keep it short.

  5. What a wonderful praise & testimony Janine ❣️ I am here in Brazil and I knew about the storm there at SA😂 Isn”t He the best Protection we all have?
    While reading He also reminded me of the LL Yvonne shared and right now He brought me to :
    I am so glad that He is the Best Protector for our children and of course He is taking care of your son and everything you need 💙

    1. He is really the best Protection ever Dear Paula.
      I remember the next day everybody talked about the storm and after saying on the phone call that here wasn’t a storm and when I realized that I had slept so sweet in my Darling’s arms through the storm I was so excited.

  6. My sweet Janine, two amazing praises of His care and love! He knew that you needed the rest and He gave it to you in the best thing ever, why? Because He made what seemed impossible, sleeping in a huge storm, so when you share this testimony they will know that only He could have done it!
    Thank you for sharing how you are teaching your son to put the Lord first! Praying with Him is a huge testimony and an open door for His Heavenly Father to open the gates of Heaven for him!

    1. Dear Isabella, His love and care just leaves me with a wow.
      I am so grateful for the opportunity to be able to pray with my sons, our Darling is a Healer, Restorer and Miracle Worker.

  7. Thank you, Janine for sharing the praise, the same thing happened to me when there was an earthquake in Johannesburg a while ago. I am normally a very light sleeper, but that night the children and I slept through the tremors, if it wasn’t for all the messages on our family WhatsApp group the next morning, saying how my family members were woken from their sleep by the tremors, I would not have known about the earthquake. I love that wLL lesson ( My Heavenly Husband and my children’s Heavenly Father protected us and gave us a peaceful night’s sleep in the midst of the storm (earthquake)!

    But like Yvonne shared, sometimes we have to go through the storm, but He is right there beside us, taking us through the storm.
    “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Ps.23
    An PTL for your son’s job and how his HF came through for Him!

    1. Yes dear Adina, I remember visiting my parents (I borrowed my son’s car) and there was a storm, and how I first begged that nothing happen to my son’s car, but then my Darling said to praise Him and it was literally praising Him in the storm and that was when the storm calmed down and the next day branches were lying every where but the shade over my son’s car wasn’t damaged at all and the car was fine.

  8. Wow! I am excited to read your testimony Jannine and all the comments! Like Yvonne I remembered the living lesson “sleeping during the storm” and later with Adina’s testimony I remembered that the night before night there was an earthquake, it was 2 or 3 in the morning and I felt absolutely nothing, what woke me up was my husband grabbing me to wake me up (like the disciples did with Jesus during the storm) because of the fear he felt lol 🤣 now I see that it was Him giving me peace as His beloved Bride. I am also glad that your children walk in his paths! what happiness!!!

    1. Dear Anastasia, isn’t it just wonderful how our wonderful Lord gives us peace that surpasses all understanding.

      1. Yes!!! Of course!!! Is amazing!!! and I love love love to have His peace, actually, I miss and feel uncomfortable when I do n’t have peace.

  9. Dear Janine, as I read your testimony all I could think of was the following verse: “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.” P48
    Every time I read testimonies like yours I can only think about how faithful it is and that it is only necessary to look for it

    1. I is such a beautiful verse dear Perlalsaias, our Darling Lord is so faithful and that is why the Lord’s Word says:
      For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. H4:12

  10. Oh dear Janine, how encouraging your praise, and how wonderful it is that we can not only read but live these moments where we can spend with Him, which become testimony of His care, love and protection for us and our loved ones.
    I remembered this verse: “He covers you with his feathers, and under his mighty wings you take refuge.” P914

    1. Yes dear Martha, His care, love and protection for us is such a huge testimony already.
      What a beautiful verse, I love it.

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