We got Grapes!

"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." P1125

Today I just want to praise my Beloved because He is good and He truly knows our heart and every little deed we do!

For 2 really hard days we have been without water and it is really hard. Because I have twins and a baby, water is a must and we live at the top of a valley, so when a water pipe brokes, which happens often, it takes them like 2 days to get it to fix, which means no water!

I am not used to this, in my former city water was so tasty and abundant that coming here and going through this situation each month is awful. But I decided to praise Him always and rejoice in any situation.

The great part is that my husband´s grandparents got a well that have pure drinkable water and feeds 6 houses, not ours but help in the community. So even though we don´t have water at our home, The Lord blessed us by going to their house and bring bottles, pots and whatever we can find with water!

It becomes and adventure for my children and they have understood the blessing of just opening the pipe to drink!

So yesterday, after a day and a half with water, I discovered that our next door neighbors a very elderly woman and his son elderly as well, didn´t have anything to drink! I quickly grabbed three 3L bottles and filled them with water and my husband went and left them the water!

They were beyond excited! They were going to be able to cook and drink, and in the afternoon the Lord sent us rain so we could clean our toilets!! Yupi!! He is indeed good!

The water came early today and while I was writing this I was happy doing my laundry and another blessing came, my sweet elderly neighbors brought grapes, which I love, and oranges!!

Indeed every little thing we do gets back to us double! We must become a blessing to everyone around us and share the little or much that we have!

Now I am enjoying my grapes happy because HE is good always!

This lesson is a blessing: https://loveatlast.org/finding-the-abundant-life/chapter-4-give-it-away/

Let´s trust in Him always!!

14 thoughts on “We got Grapes!”

  1. How beautiful! I was just meditating on these scriptures the other day.
    “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:7-9
    A lot of time I was not aware that I was sowing. It made me think of as simple as when times I want to say an unpleasant word because something negative happens. Let’s be mindful of “doing good”. Thank you for sharing Isabella!

    1. Thank you my dear! And it is so true we sow all the time but we need to choose what! So we need to decide to sow hope, love and faith all the time! Speak life!

  2. This is such a beautiful praise dear Isabella, I just love love how my Darling leads me to read a post and then speaks to me through a post like He did now with yours. Here in South Africa water is also becoming a problem and when I got home in the week, our water was gone and I have to admit, I complained, but your post let me realize, I wasted my time by complaining and I quickly had to say sorry to my Darling for complaining, because look the beautiful praise you have today and you were blessed with grapes.

  3. Thank you, Isabella, for this praise! Your praise really touched my heart. PTL that you did have access to water for the necessities! Although it is uncomfortable to be without water (or electricity here in SA because of loadshedding) we must always praise our Husband in all situations! https://loveatlast.org/living-lessons/week-68-praise-in-the-storms/
    What a blessing to able to help the elderly lady and the blessings you received because of that! We must be a blessing to others around us!

    1. Yes, we do, we can answer other people prayer´s by just being loving and kind! Every little detail counts, because we are showing His Love! We give because He also gave us first!

  4. Truly a beautiful praise! It is a wonderful reminder of our Husband’s perfect provision and His ability to soften our hearts. How easy it would be to want to save the water you had, to meet the needs of your own family. But oh how He loves for us to take care of the poor, orphans and widows. It represents His heart, and He loves a cheerful giver! He is our Provider, and your generosity shows how much you trust Him to provide. Thank you for sharing such an encouraging praise!

  5. He is amazing Isabella!! I love the way He care us, you know, this praise talk to me today to say “I am your source, your supplier, just trust in ME”. ❤️💕

    1. Yes, He is! The only one who blesses us to bless others! His love for us is something that we may never fully understand!

  6. What a JOY to read such heartfelt praise and testimony from you, Isabella! I read it yesterday, along with all the comments—talk about fruits! And your comments to those who contributed with their comments. Wow, lovely!!
    Yesterday I had nothing to contribute but accolades, but my Husband told me to wait and haha that’s because He gave me my own NO WATER testimony. Thanks, Darling haha
    I’ve mentioned before but my Husband and I are living at a weekly resort, so we must not get too many groceries, just as many as HLM to purchase, but inevitably I often run out or have very little—but that’s a GOOD thing, right? It means He’s blessing me by keeping Him close.
    So this morning I am TOTALLY OUT OF WATER… but now I humbly confess that I do have running water, it’s just not drinkable. So I was soooo thirsty because my groceries weren’t going to be delivered until this afternoon (I gave away my car a while back) so I asked Him what He was going to do about water. He reminded me of the vending machine, YES, great… except, it was pitch black out, so He said wait until sun up. Then I get to the gate and notice the pool area doesn’t open for another hour, hahaha. No doubt He really REALLY wanted me to begin to empathize will all the millions of women, many mothers, who are faced with this problem every day!!!
    When the pool area opened and as HLM I purchased 3 bottles only for them to get stuck. It’s hilarious right? Asking Him again, He points out a staff member who was cleaning the grills, who didn’t speak English, but after a bit, he followed me and got the water out for me.
    When I got back and got the bottle opened, there was never a more ENJOYABLE drink of water that I can ever remember AND of course, through this ordeal, I thought of all of you, and women around the world, and also how we had for YEARS supported a ministry who dug wells in areas where there is a need. Every time I drink water, for a long time or hopefully FOREVER, I will remember what it felt like, how thirsty I was and how good it felt to have my thirst quenched.
    Let’s also remember what He said, “‘Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again and again. Anyone who drinks the water I give will never thirst—not ever. The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life.’ The woman said, “Sir, give me this water so I won’t ever get thirsty, won’t ever have to come back to this well again!’” John 4:13—15

    “His delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers.”

    1. Wow, yes water is a huge blessing that sometimes we take for granted! It is a huge blessing to be able to sow with our offerings to other people for the wells. Praise Him that He gives us the opportunity to help and to go to Him to be filled with the living water! Praise Him always!

    2. I also run out of water quite frequently sometimes there is a shortage in the summer, I know how uncomfortable it is and my Husband usually uses it to deal with my patience and gratitude in ALL circumstances. always works for good!! Thank you for sharing your testimony Erin!!

  7. Wow Isabella, what a blessing you share, at this moment I have damage to the main kitchen sink, so I can’t use it and I know what you’re saying, that there we realize what a blessing it is to have water available. straight out of the pipe, and it has also led me to praise instead of complain waiting to see what their solution would be. I love that His Word is true and that when we give, He simply gives us beyond what we can imagine.

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