Restore Your Relationships – Chapter 3

Potter and the Clay –

. . . We are the clay, and Thou our potter; and we all are the work of Thy hand. β€”I64:8 KJV

When we are going through a relationship crisis, it is so easy to focus on what the other person is doing and how what they are doing is affecting us. However, as long as we focus on the other person, rather than focusing on the Lord, we continue to struggle and never reach the restoration that was meant to be ours.
This passage spoke to me so much because that’s exactly what I did for years and years when my husband left me, I focused on what he did wrong and yes I have to admit, I didn’t focus on my many shortcomings , so I didn’t get the recovery I so needed in my life.

But I am so grateful for our wonderful Lord’s grace because He never gave up on me and in His indescribable love for me, He wanted me restored. And today I believe and I know that my own stubbornness caused my path to be very long, but that the Lord also allowed it for a greater purpose and today I can say to women, surrender to the Lord, focus on Him and ask our wonderful Lord to change your shortcomings, be the clay in the Potter’s hands and trust our wonderful Lord, for His restoration is the best ever!

6 thoughts on “Restore Your Relationships – Chapter 3”

  1. Thank you Janine. The day I stopped focusing on what my fh and ow did, and started to focus on my new relationship with my HH, the pain stopped and I was free to let go completely. It’s so comforting to know that we too, can move on to a new relationship, BUT with the Best of the Best, the Lover of our souls, someone that loves us more than we can ever understand or imagine and who longs to give us the Abundant Life. Someone that wants to restore us and restore us to Him first. Someone who loves us with and everlasting love!

    1. Yes you put it so beautifully, it is really comforting to know that we too, can move on to a new relationship, BUT with the Best of the Best, He is really the Best!!!

  2. It is so easy to get caught up in our own pain and suffering, and it can be difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But you are right, when we focus on our HH and His love for us, He can help us to overcome anything. πŸ’•

  3. Dear Janine, thank you for sharing! I think we all go thru the phrases of trying to blame others for what’s happened until the Lord points the direction to our hearts. But no matter how far we’ve gone, and if we are willing, He is right there to guide us back. The journey back is so much more than the outcome. It really builds our faith.

    1. Yes dear Gioia, He is right next to us to guide us back and I am so grateful for that.

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