The Wicked Man Is No More, I Looked Carefully!

β€œYet a little while and the wicked man will be no more; and you will look carefully for his place, and he will not be there” (Ps. 37:10)

In the past when I read this verse, I thought it was the OW (other woman) that was the wicked man that will soon not be there. Then as my journey went on, I believed it to be the wickedness in my former spouse that was causing him to continue on with his hurtful words and hurtful sinful ways.

But today as I read this, I hear my Beloved Lord talking about me. This verse is about me! Yesterday my former spouse messaged me and said that he was going on vacation in a few months and wants to take our 2 girls with him. My first thought- where was he taking my girls. I looked at my calendar and saw that they have their dental appointments that week and I also wasn't sure if they would be on vacation from school those dates. In the past I would've said these things with the excuse that I was being a "good mother". Then I thought I'm just not going to respond at all. But instead, I asked my Beloved what he thinks. I heard Him say-do not stand in the way and I remembered Psalm 1:1. Then He told me that I am to respond, and He gave me the words to do so. I was agreeable, I didn't ask any details and only said-ok, they have dental appointments that week, but I will call and move them.

After that I was waiting for feelings to rise but they didn't. I expected myself to feel jealous, but I didn't. I usually want to be anywhere my kids are and have every experience with them especially going on vacation, but it didn't bother me. I expected feelings of jealousy, loneliness and hurt to set in. I waited but they never came. I looked very carefully, and the wicked man was not there.

Instead, I felt so full of the loving kindness of my Beloved Lord. My cup was full and running over that I wanted to give to others. I felt His perfect peace fill me. I didn't even feel the need to know or ask where he would be taking my girls. I felt total trust in my Beloved Husband, their Father, that is the Lord Almighty. I truly was content. I waited and waited and looked so hard for those feelings to overtake me but it never happened. Even looking for feelings of worry and fear...... but nothing. The wicked man was no more.

"I looked for the place where wickedness once resided; I looked carefully, but wickedness was gone. No more dread, no more pain, no more sorrow." Ecclesiastes 3:16

So, I realize after reading the My Beloved Daily Devotional this morning that this verse is talking about me. The wicked man that once resided in me. That used to whisper in my ear all sorts of things that caused worry, fear, jealousy, hurt, even some anger and bitterness still at times. I'm so in shock and so thankful to my Beloved for revealing my heart to me. He has truly healed my heart and helped me to finally let go completely. Only He can do this and He did. "He is not a God that He should lie. He is true to His Word when you believe it, trust in it, and obey it. That wicked person who has been lurking, causing your heart to faintβ€”soon, oh so soon, will be no more."

I feel so light and burden free. I am full of peace, joy and living kindness that I want to give to others. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! All praise to my Beloved Husband.

8 thoughts on “The Wicked Man Is No More, I Looked Carefully!”

  1. Thank you for sharing Ruby, your perspective of the evil man being yourself was insightful because I never saw it that way until now. It’s so true about all of us. I am so glad He has given you so much peace and comfort that the wicked man is gone.

    1. Yes Elda, I felt the wicked man, who is the evil one, that would whisper wicked things into my ear, which sparks wickedness to gow inside of my mind and heart was no longer there. I waited. looked carefully. I looked to my left and to my right and evil was not there. I searched my heart and asked my HH to search my heart and all I found was His loving kindness, peace and joy. It was amazing to be once again free from that wickedness. I was content and at total peace for my girls to go out of the country with their EF and not have any details, completely trusting in my Beloved HH ❀️

  2. Wow Ruby. The understanding of the wicked man He gave you is great. It’s amazing how our Beloved can transform our hearts and minds. The way you had no negative emotions is really encouraging. I’m so happy you could experience His love in this way. πŸ’•

  3. Ruby, thank you so much for sharing this truth that the Lord revealed to you. I had not thought of it that way, and it is so true. We were full of evil, of contention, and He has brought peace, He has brought kindness and mercy to our souls. It has been His light that has kept evil away from our souls.

  4. Dearest Ruby, you are such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your new heart and all our Beloved is teaching you. I’m thrilled for you! πŸ˜„ I can hear the joy and peace in your testimony. What a beautiful treasure you are. ❀️

  5. Thank You Ruby because this allow me to look for the wicked man in my own heart and mind. I think that I am fresh on my restoration journey. So the pain drowns out so much. I try to guard my heart because I don’t want nothing to enter in.

  6. Precious Ruby, thank you for sharing this beautiful praise report. It is so beautiful to see what the Lord is doing in your life and that is so encouraging. I know in my own life, our Darling Lord still has a lot to change in me, but how wonderful that He has our hearts and we can find the peace and joy in Him while He transforms us.

  7. Wow so powerful. I have never thought of that verse like that. Thank you for sharing how you are a Wise Woman and a happy one. This is such an amazing testimony of true healing and completely trust in our Beloved.
    You are such a great mom, you are teaching your girls what a woman of the Lord can be and does.
    Thank you for sharing β™₯️✨

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