It was not in my timing…

“I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19

l would like to share a praise based on one of the LL that l have listened to a number of times. This LL feels like Erin is speaking to me and my family through what we are going thru right now.

Towards the end of last year l desperately needed some type of an income. I turned down an interview for a job because l wanted to do something from home. He gave me this idea of starting a business selling fishing apparel because here where we live most men fish for a hobby. I had everything set, l ordered the shirts and then everything fell thru. It just did not happen and then a few months later HE blessed me with an online job.

Middle of this year l shared in my praise “Its been Difficult” that my eh decided to quit his job to start a business. Which brings me to what this praise is really all about….. due to things being so tight eh had no choice he needed to use his God given skills to bring in some money, so he started making sinkers and then started fixing and refurbishing fishing rods. It was not his original plan when he decided to start a business lol a man plans his way…

The praise is 2 fold πŸ˜„ Firstly an idea he gave me which l felt so strongly about that never happened because it was not in my timing…No… it happened in his time in His perfect way. Secondly my eh realized through our financial trial and him desperately trying to bring in some cash that there is a market bigger than he thought for this business.

So ja.. HE knew all along and its still a day to day struggle BUT l believe that its all going to work out as we put our trust in Him. Because HIS plan is perfect even when l could not see and when it seemed like a failure or just something that never got off the ground it wasn’t really so… We should never underestimate HIM and the plans HE has ☺

The LL l was refering to was this Podcast β€œHave To or Got To?” now l get to continue trusting my Husband. I get to hold HIS hand and know HE is my provider, yes l have an eh but HE is working it out so my focus has to stay on HIM πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

He gave me this scripture at the beginning of this year:

The LORD replied, β€œLook around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it.” Habakuk 1:5

I love the part that says l wouldn’t believe it even if l someone told me? I believe this is my scripture HE gave me for this year because each time He brings me back to it and now l get to meditate on it again and get excited for what He has up ahead πŸ‘πŸ»

If you in a season of financial difficulty please go listen to this podcast you will feel really encouraged especially if there is a lot of uncertainty.

2 thoughts on “It was not in my timing…”

  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful praise report precious Atarah. I love how my Darling Lord leads to read a post and He talks to me through the post. My son moved out last weekend so from this month me and my parents have to pay everything on our own. I looked for a cheaper place to stay but just couldn’t find the right place and now I realize now I get to trust my Darling Lord now even more.

  2. Atarah, thank you for sharing. He works in ways we don’t know and always unexpected. His plans are much better, and He brings out the talents we have, so that we can use them. He will bless your family, because He is our Husband and provider, and we just need to continue trusting in His provision.

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