Nestled in the Mountains

Today I was reflecting on the tumult of the past year, and of the many blessings, the Lord bestowed upon me. It’s so true that even in the midst of our trials, God can turn what was meant for our harm into good.

I wrote this praise report from a rather sumptuous log cabin nestled at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. One morning after my prayer time, I ventured out onto the deck to take in the scenery as I’d done every morning since we’d been there, and realized that a thick fog had pretty much obliterated the mountains that surrounded me. Even though I knew they were still there, one would never know it if you hadn’t seen them the days prior. I believe HH was letting me see that there is so much behind the scenes that I am unaware of, not everything is apparent to the natural eye.

He is soooooo good, not only did He put my AA sponsor in my path, she has become a good friend, and I’m beginning to see that she was in need of me just as much as I was in need of her. It was through her that the Lord provided this vacation getaway in theย gorgeous countryside, she paid for the entire thing. This is the second year without EH on this holidayย and the first year that I hadn’t been able to travel north to see my daughters and granddaughter. It would have been lonely indeed, but, Him!

Despite the pain of my separation, He has blessed me in countless ways throughout the year. I have never failed to give Him all the glory, and as a result, am drawing others to Him. After months and months of gently letting my sponsor know that God, and God alone, has led and provided for me this past year, my dear friend has expressed a desire to get a Bibleย and start on her own spiritual journey. HOW’S THAT FOR GOD’S GRACE AND LOVING-KINDNESS!?

Her own marital crisis is bringing her to her knees as well. Perhaps this is the reason God has not restored my own situation as of yet. I have no idea what the future may hold for me, but I have learned that the best of my intention and plans for myself have usually ended up getting me in trouble, so I’m am trying to live one day at a time and in His will, not my own.

โ€œSo be truly glad, there is wonderful joy ahead even though you may have to endure many trials for a while, these trials will show your faith is genuine.โ€ Peter 16:7 ย 

โ€œWhat then, shall we say to these things, if God is for us, who is against us?โ€ Romans 8:31

Press on, courageous and free, never held back by fear or defeat. The battle belongs to the Lord, and He has the final victory.

~ Angelina in Georgia