Waking up with Joy and Anticipation

Dear Brides, I found so much encouragement from Chapter 2 "What Do You Believe?" I learned that the biggest needs down to the smallest will be met when we give it to our Love, especially our finances!!!

I think that this book and chapter specifically is very timely as this year He's opening a beautiful journey of moving out on my own and I'm confident that my HH is going to provide in ways I could never have dreamed of!! Even though I've been financially independent working for this ministry, this phase of my life has had me thinking of expenses I'd never considered before. There are so many encouraging verses that tell us not to worry and I'm meditating and pondering them in my heart!

"And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?" Matthew 6:27

Let me share how He has already provided for me! I'm currently in Phoenix Arizona for a couple of months and I don't have a vehicle (relying on public transportation to get around) but already I've gotten a lift four times through the women I've met here!!! I was in need of drinking water to have at home and the Lord showed me a water delivery service for the same, if not less than the cost in store!! I even needed a new toothbrush and one morning I opened a new drawer and saw a brand new package! It's only been a week and already look at His provision.

“And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

I've got a whole new perspective on my daily life living here alone and will be waking up with joy and anticipation of His endless provision! Also, I think He's opening up opportunities to help some ladies here!!

Thank you for helping me see what I'd been struggling with and how giving all of it to you has brought me so much relief and happiness. You're soooooo good and I love you so much.

“It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors; for He gives to His beloved even in his sleep” (Psalm 127:2)

Wonderful perspective and biblically founded.

Really good Chapter 2 "What Do You Believe?" and book!!!

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