Peace to Accept Divorce Filing with No Tears!

Dear Partners, thank you so very much for the gift you gave that allowed me to participate in course 1! I came to the website after finding and reading the RYM book. I was genuinely afraid to hope that my marriage could ever be restored, but through the book and the steady reassurance of the course, I now know that “with God, all things are possible”…including the restoration of my dying marriage! The things I learned in the book and the course helped me begin to trust in God for all of my needs, and I’ve seen some of my prayers answered already in a way that only He could manage.

I was able to turn my marriage over to Him, placing it and my wayward spouse into His hands instead of trying to “fix” things in the flesh. Without your sponsorship, that process would have been nearly unbearable. Thank you again for your generosity.

I would absolutely recommend the β€œHow God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage” book! I had very little hope for my marriage until I read RYM. I was toying around with the idea of standing after I found a popular stander’s ministry, but I just couldn’t commit in my heart because it seemed like such an impossible task. RYM gave me the hope that I desperately needed at the time AND showed me tangibly how to begin my restoration journey without ever wavering from scriptural principles. This book even gave me enough peace to accept my husband’s divorce filing with no tears!

The Testimonies I read in course 1. Paired with the RYM book, it really helped make the idea of marriage restoration real in my mind. Before I read these, I thought that marriage restoration was possible but was a rare occurrence that depended more on the wayward spouse than on the “stander” or God. Now, I have seen what is really possible with the Lord and a commitment to live out his principles in my life.

I didn’t things could get much more hopeless. A couple of months prior, just three weeks before our second baby was due, I moved thousands of miles away from my husband. I birthed our second child without him. I totally fell apart when, two weeks exactly after she was born, he sent me divorce papers. I had sought the help of an attorney, and the relationship between my husband and I was very tense and filled with bitterness (mainly on my end). I said a lot of things I should not have said to him (following those “tough love” books!), and nothing seemed to help at all. I was resigned to the fact that I’d either have to remain single forever or go against God’s word by marrying someone new in the future.

Father, thank You so much for leading me first to RYM and then to the Encouraging Women site. Through these resources, You saw to it that I was shown the narrow path that You were calling me to walk. You held my hand and showed me that not only was restoration POSSIBLE, but it was INEVITABLE as long as I would do what You commanded. You have been with me every step of the way, and even when my flesh is weak and I feel like giving up, You never leave my side.

Precious sister, I know all too well the pain you are experiencing right now. I have been there, and at times, the pain is still overwhelming! The difference now is that I have a wonderful Lord who I know is carrying me in His arms and only wants the best for me and my family. That certainly lessens the sting of my dying marriage and makes all the pain more bearable. Cry out to Him, sister, and He will do the same for you. <3

~ Cassandra in Arkansas