Good morning Brides! Let me start off by saying that I received something absolutely wonderful in my FB Messenger Inbox and it is the VERY 1st PRAISE REPORT from one of the women encouraged by my FB BNN profile!!!! So look out for it 🙂

She wanted me to just check and read her PR as her English is not that great, her English is wonderful actually! 🙂 So you guessed it… This is my newest update concerning my FB BNN Profile!!

It was such an enormous blessing for me to read the Praise Report and now I know what an awesome blessing it is for the different branches of our Ministries and for Erin to read the Praise Reports we receive! Knowing that our HH has done the IMPOSSIBLE!! How He changes lives! He truly is that knight in shining armour riding in on His white horse to not just save His Brides but give them Abundant Lives!!

Wow, all I could do was just be soooo very excited about the PR. When I started the FB BNN Profile I really did not know what I was doing but and was led and guided by Him knowing that there were hurting women out there that desperately needed Hope and He is not a respecter of person...

Brides, His word is so true! John 15:5 "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing."

He gave me that verse last year when I transitioned from the MET & RRR Journey Minister to Evangelism not really knowing what His future plans were for me. It was a bit scary I must admit but all things are revealed in His time. Luke 12:22 "The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all."

Let me now just give a quick rundown of what I have encountered and discovered on my FB HH Profile. As I have FB Messenger set up linked to my FB BNN profile I get inboxed sometimes. Which is great for discretion. There are women with very different situations like the women from the Philippines that asked me "How did I know she was having marriage problems?" I didn't… But He did... It was her husband that was trusting God for the restoration of their marriage. She was very unsure wanting to move on to a new relationship with her colleague and all I could do was point her to the Lord and encourage her to seek Him and His plan for her life and that she could read what I had posted on my Wall handing her a branch of friendship and telling her I would be there whatever she decided.

Another young woman had found out about her EH infidelity who was hurting so very much but just had so many questions and spoke badly about her EH after I had told her not to. Then I recalled that He had led me to start putting Course 1 Lessons on my Wall so I was able to encourage her to instead of speaking to me to rather speak to the Lord about her hurt and start reading the Lessons on my Wall.

I realised something important… Some women do not have access to wi-fi, they may not have the money for data, they may not even have email addresses! Recently I read through and journaled "The Ministry of Reconciliation" in C3 and something about what was written there really stood out for me and that was that sometimes we as Brides are the only ones that hurting women could be exposed to that can offer Hope desperately needed. We may be the only ones that can point them in the right direction and help them to find their HH who is the only one that can save them and bless them with Abundant Lives.

My last mention is about a woman who inboxed me every couple of days who read my RMT and was going through a divorce. She wanted to "Let Go" it was a huge desire of her heart but was struggling with it so much! After seeking Him He showed me which lessons to share which she read as after a time she messaged me back saying thank for being so patient with her she understood what I was trying to share with her…

Atarah in South Africa

Be sure to read the Very 1st FB BNN Praise Report from Nomuula "Principals That Have Proved Me Wrong" that will post tomorrow!!

Become a Minister

Esther 4:14—“And who knows whether you have not attained position for such a time as this?”

We would love for you to look into finding out just how easy it is to become a Minister!

Did you know that this is one of the most IMPORTANT facets of being one of His followers!! Something so few believers ever do?

Mark 16: 15-16—“And I [Jesus] said to them, "GO into all the world and proclaim the gospel, the Good News, to the whole creation.”

We believe that He called you to RMI for a GOOD Reason—not just to restore your marriage, not just so you can find your HH—but to also help encourage other women.

Your testimony—right where it is today—can ignite a fire of hope in women who are feeling full of despair and hopelessness—showing them that holding His hand, the same way you are holding it, is the way to escape or at least get through to the other side.

Find out more about our Online Network Ministries that are popping up all over Facebook—using a FB Page to attract women who are currently drinking from the polluted wells of Facebook already.