โ Today's Promise: "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." Ezekiel 36:26
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~ Liora in Texas
My praise today is about how the Lord works in our hearts. It is so true when Erin says that even though God gives us free will, He works through changing the heart on both sides of the journey and that ultimately changes the way we think and act. I wanted to praise my HH (Heavenly Husband) today for His conviction in my heart. Sometimes we go through this journey and as we all know, there are many ups and downs as trials come. Sometimes we don't even realize that our heart is hardening because of the trials.
Well that is where I found myself when I realized the Lord was speaking to me through someone else. As soon as I heard the words "hardened heart", I knew the Lord was speaking to me even though the person was not speaking directly to me. I felt the conviction in my heart. Immediately I went to my prayer closet and repented for allowing some things that had happened recently and my circumstances to harden my heart without even realizing it. I remember I selfishly said to myself when I felt hurt that week, "I don't deserve that treatment and I'm going to just ignore them from now on", which is not the right attitude to have at all!
It was like He brought a flashback of things that I felt and thought and He let me realize it before He sent me a blessing, so that I wouldn't ruin what He was sending my way by having a hardened heart! So I saw the blessing He sent my way after I repented and I was able to receive it and embrace it with humility and the right attitude! I thank the Lord for showing me where I was wrong and I praise Him for the work He is doing in me. I am still a work in progress and I don't think it ever stops. We never stop learning and growing and I'm so happy that now I have learned to listen to God's voice when He is speaking to me. I never want to be the same person I was before.
Another thing that He taught me in these last couple of weeks is that there is so much power in healing. And that is where the hardened heart also comes in if we don't heal from all our past hurts. We must ask Him to reveal to us what hurts are hidden deep in our hearts and let Him heal those. If not, they bleed out when something or someone triggers that wound and it becomes a vicious cycle of going through the same things over and over again because those wounds cause us to stumble and not progress.
He really showed me that before some of His promises are fulfilled in my life, I need to heal my heart of everything. That is one of the most important parts in our journey. He wants to heal that heart and He doesn't want you to be lost trying to cover those wounds with earthly things. He will fulfill every promise He gives, we just have to work out our miracle in obedience, in faith and in love for Him!
"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." Ezekiel 36:26
"But Jesus replied, 'My Father is always working, and so am I.'โ John 5:17
"for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." Philippians 2:13
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