About 5 years ago (because I was not under the protection of God or my ex-husband). I became involved with someone where I was physically abused and the abuse had left me with a deformity where due to the bone underneath my eye being broken in two places, and after surgery, my right eye is noticeably lower than the left one.
In the beginning, I found it very hard to look at myself in the mirror and was super conscious of it all the time. Then when I truly began this intense relationship with the Lord it changed as He changed my heart, it became more important to me that I am more like Him. And that it certainly did not matter what I looked like because that would be only to please others. I am now comfortable with the way I look and concentrate on smiling a lot which draws the attention away from the deformity.
2 Corinthians 4:18 NIRV “So we donโt spend all our time looking at what we can see. Instead, we look at what we canโt see. Thatโs because what can be seen lasts only a short time. But what canโt be seen will last forever.”
Dear Brides, Follow the Lord’s principles about beauty but most importantly remember that we are to look at the heart, that is what God does then we will not worry about the outer appearance. The outer body gets old and deteriorates as time goes by. Especially for a woman, this can be quite daunting especially if you were a real looker when you were younger. But to me, that which you can’t see about someone, their heart, will last forever, how the person interacts with people in a godly manner will be the same if they are 19 or 90.
The Lord has always taught me that He does not look at the outer appearance of man, He looks at the heart..and why? Because beauty is deceitful. The most beautiful women in the world are wicked beyond measure. And some of the most caring souls in the world are not so attractive. Beauty is not always a good thing because it has the danger of making a person become full of themselves and when a person is full of themselves there is certainly no space for God. Therefore spending more time with Him and allowing Him to fill you with His love will make you the most beautiful person in the world.
Now, after this lesson Chapter 14 “You’re Beautiful!!” in Living the Abundant Life, I will try to start seeing the heart of people not how old they are or how well dressed they are. But I want God to show me a person’s heart before I even look at the outside appearance. I want to treat and look at others the very same way Jesus looks at us. Without judgment and with loving eyes always.
Dear Brides as you are just starting out your journey you will start seeing that the things you might have found important like maybe your appearance pales in comparison with the awesome relationship you will start having with your Heavenly Husband.
Ladies, you can live a life of abundance even if you are not restored. Abundance is not about being married or having things..abundance is about the abundant love from our Heavenly Husbands and the love that He fills us with in order to give to the world.