Aftershock !!! Cape Town Wise Women Retreat 2024

Dear Brides
In the same week after the retreat. I was faced with a difficult challenge. I was suddenly in a terrible, life-changing situation, and I found myself in a state of panic.
Despite the fear and uncertainty, I knew that taking the easy way out was not a plan from my Heavenly Husband. O Yes there was an easy way out.

Instead, I turned to the principle of “WON WITHOUT A WORD”
Β As one of the retreat facilitators, I’ve taught the chapter “Won without a word” to the ladies.
I also remembered the importance of seeking my Heavenly Husband’s guidance “FIRST” Β in all situations.

I re-read the Wise Women chapter to build my faith and find the courage to push through.
Despite the temptation to give in to take the easy way out, I knew that I could not be a HYPOCRITEΒ  and not practice what I’ve preached to ladies on the retreat.

I continued to pray and seek guidance from my Heavenly Husband, and within two hours, the attack was over.
I was filled with gratitude, joy, and strength that I found within myself.

I trust, my story encourages you to hold on to your faith and the wise women’s principles.
I am, a testimony to the principles in the Wise Women book,Β  Β  IT Work.!!!

I am blessed to be part of such a life-changing ministry.

We can overcome anything if we have the right principles and support system.
Take care and God bless!


5 thoughts on “Aftershock !!! Cape Town Wise Women Retreat 2024”

  1. Thank you Azaiah! I have seen in my own life how powerful it is to Win Without a Word and how it can change a situation around for good! We will be tested and off course there would have been a easy way out, but PTL for everything we’ve learned and how our Beloved changed us so we can know that the easy way out is not the right way out. Taking the right way is definetly choosing the narrow road, but the rewards are so much greater and in the end it will glorify our Heavenly Husband!

  2. This is encouraging, applying what we know is right is sometimes hard, because the enemy tires to frustrate us in not obeying and applying the principles, but the results of applying them is good and peaceful.

  3. Thank you for reminding us to stay focused on HH and to turn to His, to stand on the Rock Who is forever faithful, He will turn it around for our good. Romans 8.28

  4. Thanks so much for this beautiful Praise Report….I can honestly say it’s a Blessings to have you as part of our Team ….I am grateful for your obedience to the Principals in your life .

    God Bless You

  5. Love this!!! How our Beloved changes our hearts and gives faith to endure the hot furnace! Thank you for sharing our testimony with us and how our Beloved is giving you victory!!! 🀩

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