♕ Today's Promise: “My hands have made both heaven and earth; they and everything in them are mine I, the LORD, have spoken! “I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, who tremble at my word”. Isaiah 66:2
Beautiful Brides,
In my last PR, I said how I was feeling and how the Lord helped me and embraced me…so come, take a seat, have a coffee, and read my Journey’s Novel.
When I “let go” of completely, my earthly husband sent me some messages, then he called me, so I could know why he didn’t send a message or anything for 20 days. They went to Italy, but the Lord stopped the holidays, (“I will put an end to all her joys, her parties, holidays, and feasts” Hosea 2:11 TLB). The holidays were cancelled because the Company where my husband works, asking him to go back to work after 3 days he was there.
But when he comes back and went to work and he was surprised that the company was not going to open that week just 2 weeks later, but as they cancel their holidays stayed at the flat all the time. So, he could not call me because she was in the flat all day and checking everything and his steps as well. When he called me, I could see a disappointed and sad voice, he was unsatisfied there, and ask me to come back to Switzerland, because he misses a lot. Also, he told me that the OW (other woman) has paid all the bills of the flat, including his health insurance, as he has no money, my husband is in her hands for everything. All these things make me very sad for him. But we know why this is happening.
Unfortunately, he can't help me with tickets or Airbnb, and everything is really hard for me. How he got back to work, so he's calling me every day (three times per day) and ask me please come back, I said yes. Even I understand that he is my husband and that I have to be submissive, I SG (seek GodP as well. After I SG, I got the tickets, and my lovely friend Sara blessed me with 1 day on an Airbnb flat, and the Lord showed us a nice and cheap flat for 5 days (you know Switzerland is a very expensive country).
I am going again and waiting in my Love, my HH (Heavenly Husband), and my Beloved, I can lean not on my own understanding or hasten my steps but wait for the Lord to LEAD me is what makes me feel at peace. I PTL a lot for this opportunity!!
My EH (earthly husband) would like me to go and live there (but he can't help me), I really don't know if I'm in disobedience to my husband because I don't know how to do it, how to go, considering that the laws of that country are different from here. But I'm still waiting on the Lord how to do it, how to live there. I know my Beloved is working on it. HE will show me!
My Beloved thank YOU for the opportunity to see my husband and spending time with him. I know this is His mercy for me. I am waiting for His perfect time, and I need YOU to LEAD me, please my Love give me peace to wait for everything because I “know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose” (Romans 8:28 AMP).
After 1 day I sent my PR telling: “I really don't know if I'm in disobedience to my husband because I don't know how to do it, how to go, considering that the laws of that country are different from here”, my husband called me and said to me that “we need to wait because the other woman will finish her employment contract in December and maybe we will move to another city so we need to wait until December”, and he was making a thousand plans with me, including me in the move and everything.
So, my HH (Heavenly Husband) answered me!! PTL!! \o/\o/\o/
He is in control all the time! And His mercy and love for us are unconditional.
Thank YOU, Lord! Thank YOU, my Love! YOU are all I need; all the answers are in YOU
~ Erica in Ireland
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