An Answer to Prayer

Hello ladies, today I want to share a blessing that my Husband gave me. Not sure how many of you know about my journey, but I have no children. And a couple of years ago I felt discouraged because my parents didn’t have a grandchild, and I knew it was a dream for them. I then heard the testimony of a lady that was in a comparable situation to mine, and she prayed and asked for the Lord to bless her parents. Before the year finished her brother got married and the first grandchild was on the way! When I heard that my heart was filled with hope that He could also do the same for my parents. It took a couple of years, but this Saturday we welcomed the first grandchild in our family. My niece is beautiful and healthy. When both of my parents received the news of her birth, they were both overcome with emotion, and continually praised the Lord! I never shared my prayer with them, but I don’t need it, I know that My Husband has heard my prayer!!!

Ladies, there is nothing too difficult for Him, He always works at His appointed time. He hears you and your prayers, so do not lose hope!

10 thoughts on “An Answer to Prayer”

  1. Wow Sara, congratulations Auntie!! He did hear your prayer and always does! As a woman also with no children, I remember
    I wanted my dad to have a grandchild from me. I know now that my Husband knows what’s best for me and besides, He had already blessed my dad with 3 grandchildren from my sister and now 2 great grandchildren! I love all of them so much and I’m so greatful that He made me an aunt and Sara you will be an amazing auntie!

  2. Thank you so much, my dear Liora, His plans are always the best, and we aunties are needed in these children’s lives!!!

  3. Oh Sara thank you for sharing this amazing news that your niece is here Aunty Sara ๐Ÿ’– I’m so happy for your parents ๐Ÿค— You are going to be an amazing aunt!! Babies are sooo beautiful and such a blessing !! They bring so much joy into our lives and babies are miracles… their birth and how they grow… ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ Enjoy this special time with your niece and family ๐Ÿ’–

    1. Hi Atarah, wonderful comment but it’s been pending along with another comment. As an AUTHOR you can approve your own comments.

  4. Once again, CONGRATULATIONS, Auntie Sara! Also, I AGREE that when our hearts are devoted to wanting to bless others, rather than ourselves, like blessing your parents with grandchildrenโ€”GOD does the most amazingly wonderful thingsโ€”and that GIFT FROM GOD is even MORE precious to us because we were part of that “answered prayer” and why we are given the privilege to pray because we can rejoice as if it happened to us!
    CONFESSION. Even when we ask for selfish reasons, HE is still so good to us. Back when we attended our megachurch, all of my close friends were becoming grandmothers, some several times over. But MY SONS hadn’t even been on a date! They were saving themselves for their wives due to homeschooling and also making up stories and telling them to them over and over when they were young and
    So, of course, the enemy mocked me, saying it’s what I deserved, but what my Husband said I deserved was my sons to marry the ones they’d been waiting for! And as He LOVES to do, He set it upโ€” so there’s no disputing WHO did it. My two oldest sons got engaged on the very same day and then got married ONE day apart, which of course, resulted in grandchildrenโ€” ONE per year beginning in 2007, 8, 9, 10, and then in 2011, I was blessed with 3! Now I am blessed with 10, the very same number of children I had. (Sorry to say so much but I just saw the platform to boast about my weaknesses and also to SHOUT His praise as I remembered because it’s something He’s had me do (not formally when someone is depressed or suicidal) but just making it a point to PRAISE more while honeymooning with Him!!

  5. Oh wow!! What a beautiful testimony, my Husband reminded me when I let go of my desire to be a mother and told him that I would be a happy aunt! Soon after, my niece came into our lives. It is encouraging to hear from you Liora and from you Sara that we are in the same situation and that we can be happy and complete in the way that He has done for each of us ๐Ÿ™‚
    But the most beautiful thing is that you thought it was for your parents and not for yourself, and that’s really beautiful!!

  6. Wow congratulations Sara on becoming a auntie, I am so happy for you and how our Heavenly Husband has answered your prayers.

  7. Congrats my dear Sara! As you know I do not have child on my own either and being an auntie for almost 30 years now has been a huge blessing. I canยดt not imagine how happy your parents are now with this new member in your family. The most amazing part of not having children on my own but being close to my nephews is the opportunity my husband has given me to share His word with them and talk about Him every time we get together. It is going to be wonderful to see your baby girl niece grow and you being that Wise Woman for her. And you know what, while recording a Podcast yesterday about Divorce, my Husband put in my heart the desire to share my walk with Him as a woman first married, later separated without children, as I know there are so many ladies out there hurting of because not having kids. Maybe this is something you can join me to do. Wouldnยดt that be just awesome?

  8. Hello beautiful ladies!!! Finally I could log in here, PTL!! What a joy to be here and participate with the comments and praises! Dear Sara, thank you for your praise report, this year I will also have the joy of becoming an aunt for the first time, and my heart is overjoyed, a true blessing in our family!!!

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