♕ Today's Promise: “I am saying this not because of my needs, because I have learned to enjoy what is… I know modesty, well-known abundance. I can handle it anywhere, in any situation…” Philippians 4: 11-12
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~ Tiara in Poland
For the last two weeks I have had health problems. Very unusual for me because I have been in very good health for months. Particularly troublesome was the pain in the spine, which made it difficult for me to walk, lie down or sit, but thank the Lord, after a few days the pain subsided and He helped me look at the good sides of this situation at that time. I started educating myself on how to take care of my spine and do strengthening exercises; appreciate simple things like being able to move normally without pain, being able to go for a walk; this experience helped me to have more understanding and compassion for people who struggle with diseases of the spine, and I know such pain and hardship brought me even closer to my Husband, seeking His guidance and presence.
The other symptoms I had, such as a severe headache every morning until evening, swollen glands, and a lot of fatigue and weakness every day. I identified with certain causes, but I thought it would pass quickly. It was only when they did not go away after more than a week that I started to think that maybe I was infected with covid. I found out that the person I saw had contact with an infected person and it was possible she was sick herself, although she had previously suspected it was a common cold. In all this time of malaise, I felt a great peace and joy, perhaps because I worshiped the Lord even more often, thanking Him for everything and trying to find good points in this situation. Every day in my mind I heard: it will be fine.
Another benefit of these difficulties was that the Lord was working on my heart. He opened my eyes to some things He didn't like and I believe He straightened my way, in what direction He wants me to go. Interestingly, my faith and trust grew during this time and I was, of course, nourished by His Word, so it certainly contributed to that.
On the day of the covid test, I was feeling better, I told my Husband that I would be very happy if the test was negative (although it seemed to be the opposite) because I didn't want to stay in isolation at home for 10 days. I love being home and spend most of my time here, but if I'm too long without going outside and meeting others, I start to feel bad. On the other hand, I knew that if He had allowed it, it would have been for good too. The tests went smoothly, and a few hours later, to my surprise, the result was NEGATIVE.
I was very happy, the more that my symptoms mostly subsided and it fulfilled my heart's desire. The only thing left is the headache, but it is a bit weaker, especially as I was looking for His guidance and He helped me find helpful ways to deal with it. Thanks to this, I learned a lot of interesting things about my body, health and how to care for them. I also believe that these difficulties are to help me learn to be content under all circumstances, which I struggled with last year, and I wanted to grow in it and told Him about it. Thanks to His grace, I haven't had so much joy in my difficulties, especially in health, for a long time.
I thank Him for His protection and grace at this time, and I want to encourage you, dear bride, by reminding you that our Beloved uses all circumstances in our life for good and to grow in satisfaction in each of them.
"A thousand will fall by your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but you will not be reached" Psalm 71: 7
“I am saying this not because of my needs, because I have learned to enjoy what is… I know modesty, well-known abundance. I can handle it anywhere, in any situation… ”Philippians 4: 11-12
"And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, that is, those who are called according to God's purpose." Romans 8:28
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