Becoming a Bridge Builder, your Own Ministry πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“

A week ago I had the opportunity to meet one of my friends for her birthday. This friend has already been traveling with her HH for 5 years after reading RYM.
This was the process that my husband used to bring us together (after 23 years) again but now with him as the center of our talks. During this time, we have had the opportunity to study various Abundant Life courses together and we enjoy sharing his word to each other.
Let me go back a bit, because when I started my journey and my Husband began to show me his principles and truths, I wanted to share it with all the people I met and more than once what I received were signs of little or none interest, that’s when I learned that I first have to pray for Him sending women into my life in order for him to do the rest.
I was trying to get an e-partner but it never happened so I continued praying for her and this friend was the answer to my prayer for an e- partner and now she is praying for her husband to show her a way to help other people find him and build this relationship with him.

Now, back to actual time, we met some days after our RMI Honeymoon started, and as usual we began to share and be thankful for everything our Husband has done. She told me that she would very much like to take back her ministry Facebook account to help other people. I showed her some promise videos that He led me to create and she showed me a devotional app that she had seen and although she is familiar with the computer, it is not that easy for her to work with, so she suggested that we work together to do something for our country.
On my way back home, I was talking with my Husband about this topic and asking him to show me the way to do it if this came from him, because this was precisely about ministering and he knew how much fear I feel since I have never considered adequate to minister in writing to other people because I have a hard time expressing my feelings, something that my Husband continues to work on me.

After waiting for his response, he made me understand that there are many ways to minister, that is why He gave us all different gifts in order to form a single body in his name. Knowing me inside out, He reminded me of various lessons such as: Finding Your E-Partner, Bridge Builder and Building Your Own Ministry; and also made me see all the tools that he has taught us through RMI.

With a calmer spirit, filled with that peace that goes beyond our understanding, I asked him to guide and direct me. He reminded me about the huge financial crisis that I have experienced, therefore, all the tools needed to be FREE. I took his hand and together we started to experience how to create a FREE Website in WordPress, using other FREE platforms to complete it and recording the videos as we went along; this with the purpose of making them available in RMIOU (RMI University) for all those women whose call is to have their Own Ministry using RMI Resources, Becoming a Bridge Builder without being afraid by the costs.

By his favor, this is the link to the playlist of the entire process step by step that He has made a reality for all of you.

1 thought on “Becoming a Bridge Builder, your Own Ministry πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“”

  1. Thank you my dear Poppy for sharing this amazing information!!!
    We have so many amazing ways to minister to others!!

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