♕ Today's Promise: "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7
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~ Isabella in Costa Rica
Hello, my dear brides, I am more than excited to share this praise report of how our Beloved continues to change my life and continues to move the poverty mentality away from me. Yesterday I had a lot to do in my city, I had to buy several things for the house and I asked my Beloved to provide us with the money to buy new dresses for both the girls and myself. Costa Rica is a very expensive country, so there are many things that are very expensive and clothes are one of them; so I prepared myself and had already asked my Beloved to bless us by taking us to a particular store.
It turns out that my earthly husband had to take a tire to be fixed because it had been damaged and the place where we had to go was about 20 minutes away from my city and because of the heat, we were feeling a little desperate. We arrived at the tire shop and the owner told us that in order to repair our tire it would take at least 2 hours since he had a lot of work ahead of it and since we were so far from the city and the cost of gasoline is so high, we decided to stay in that city and go around the center to get to know it and see if we could do the rest of the tasks we had to do.
It turns out that while we were there the Lord led us to a store where there were many beautiful dresses in the windows; guess what my brides? I was able to find 4 beautiful dresses for my twins, they were in perfect sizes with bright and vibrant colors just the way they like them and I was thrilled because it was within my budget. When I looked further in, I saw perfect dresses for me, so I went to try them on and guess what, I found two beautiful dresses and the price was also within budget! When I went to pay, I was pleasantly surprised to see that my Beloved had touched the heart of the owner and had given us a wonderful discount, thus we got six dresses at a wonderful price, a super mega cheap crazy price!
We are beyond grateful for that miracle.
We then continued going around that city and we were able to find food for our animals, it gave us just enough time to return to the tire shop for the tire. When we got there, the owner treated us wonderfully, put the tire on the car, and gave us a discount. Blessed be our Beloved dears! He always provides for us when we put everything in His loving hands and when we dedicate ourselves to always being in His ways! They gave us two wonderful discounts yesterday that moved my faith and helped me understand that when we block the poverty mentality we are opening the gates of heaven for the miracles of our Beloved.
Do not lose faith, let us pray, and let us learn to wait in His times because when we wait in His times the Lord provides us with all the wonderful things we need. Dare to pray and trust in the Lord because He wants to bless us and give us the Abundant Life that He has promised us so much!
"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7
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