Blessed πŸ’–

"Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!" P34:8

Please read this beautiful praise from Betty in the Afrikaans Ministry.

My dear Lord has blessed me beyond my expectations this last week!

I saw my dear sister 2 years ago, as she lives about 1200km (745 miles) from me. Last week was my birthday and she gave me plane tickets for a week's holiday with her. As if that wasn't amazing enough, I then see my youngest son again because he doesn't live too far from her!

What started just like another day turned out to be so special. Everything just fell into place. Unexpectedly, our "cake day" at work is changed to the day of my birthday. Our section's "Secret Santa" coincidentally falls on my birthday and everyone makes the day special for me! Dead tired on the way home I get another surprise, when I walk into my room at home... decorated with balloons and flowers by my children with the most precious gift ever! And last night when I stopped at home, my friend is right outside my gate to take me out to dinner!

I know it was my dear Lord who planned everything!

My desire was to spend the day with Him and He went out of his way to make the day special for me!
How else then? He is my Heavenly Husband and no one can come close to Him!

I just want to say thank you to my Dearest Lord! I praise and praise Him!

And thank you for the "Blessed Friday" which also fell right on my birthday... I could buy myself an awesome gift and afford it!

The Lord is amazing!

8 thoughts on “Blessed πŸ’–”

  1. oh how wonderful! I love how He showed you so much care and love through all different people on your special day. the day He made you! How wonderful is it to think that He knew you and loved you at the beginning of time, when He wrote your story! wow! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

  2. Betty, that’s wonderful! It sounds like you had a truly blessed birthday. It’s great to hear about all the ways He used your loved ones and even your workplace to make it special. πŸ˜ŠπŸ™β€οΈ

  3. Thank you Yvonne for sharing this beautiful praise report of Betty, wow, it is so awesome what our Darling Lord does, He is truly Amazing!
    “They speak of the glorious splendor of your majestyβ€”and I will meditate on your wonderful works. They tell of the power of our awesome worksβ€”and I will proclaim your great deeds. They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.” P145:5-7

  4. “Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow” J117

    Without a doubt, everything you received comes from HIM!! What precious gifts that make us feel SO loved, He has those details that make us fall in love!! I rejoice for you, my dear, that you are experiencing His unconditional love every day of your life and that you are aware that you are never alone, that you are complete and you have a Wonderful Husband who looks at you with eyes of love every day.

  5. 😁😁😁 just makes me so happy πŸ™ŒπŸΌ Her HH gave her MORE than she asked for and blessed her socks off!! l commented on the AFR blog, tx for coming to share so we don’t miss out 😊

  6. Thank you, dear Yvonne, for sharing Betty’s praise.
    And dear Betty, I was so happy with you and for you. Our Beloved is truly incredible, and loves to transmit His love through His care and pampering of us.
    What a joy to know that you enjoyed all the pampering and care that He gave you!!! This is truly wonderful, like everything that comes from Him β™₯️

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