
‭"A thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come so they may have life. I want them to have it in the fullest possible way." John 10:10

My sweet ladies I come here to praise Him always, to share about His protection and the perfect peace He give us in the midst of our storms. True peace!

Two weeks ago, we felt led by the Lord to anoint our house, to pray for each room, to invite Him to every little space of our lives! We pray for our four daughters, we pray for lives full of Him, with purpose, with hope. We prayed against injuries, depression and all sort of evil attacks against them. You know how much the enemy hates our children!

We felt at peace! Our house had a new feeling, but because faith is a muscle the Lord prepared us for what was about to come.

Saturday came as usual, my husband left early to our main city to put our elderly blind uncle into an assisted house, the grandparents could not take care of him anymore. It was a 9 hours drive from our house.

Because the water was gone, I was doing my dishes at the grandma's house because they have a well with pure water, the sun was shinning, it was a beautiful morning and then the worst happen: my twins were involved in a motorcycle accident. My husband's uncle took them without my permission for a ride, and He lost control of the bike and they fell.

He came running looking for me with Luciana in his arms with the worst burn wound I have ever seen, the wound was black, the skin falling off, the other twin was scared but just bruised.

My heart sank, we were 40 minutes away fron the hospital! I dont know how to drive, my husband was not here, the uncle flee the scene! I called to my Heavenly Husband for help, I was all alone!

Bethia called one of our cousins, he came within minutes!
The Lord heard my daughter's cry! We got to the hospital everyone rushed for us! She got a 2nd and 3rd degree burn on her leg!
But she was alive and I knew why!
We prayed!

The Lord protected our daughter and opened the way for her to get the best treatment!
Almost 2 weekends have gone by, her muscle and skin are almost healed! Why?
Because we prayed, because we put Him first.
The enemy wants to destroy our faith, and our lives, we need to put our armor and trust only in Him.
We will have trials, we live in a broken world, but mamas we have Him to protect us and our children.
We can praise Him in the storm.
My sweet child is alive, healing and trusting in her Heavenly Father!
Praise Him always.
He is just a prayer away, He is our healer, He loves us and protects us from evil.
While we travel this healing journey, people see us, we are open letters!
We are blessed and safe because we trust Him and we pray!
Let's trust in Him!

15 thoughts on “Burnt”

  1. My dear Isabella. I am elated that your daugther is healing. I cannot even begin to imagine what you must have gone through. It is amazing that He is healing her so beautifully. Thank you for sharing with us so we can be thankful with you.
    This verse came to my mind: “He said, “If you will carefully obey the Lord your God, do what is right in His eyes, pay attention to His commands, and keep all His statutes, I will not inflict any illness on you I inflicted on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you.”

    Sent from my android phone πŸ“±

    1. Yes, our Beloved is healing her and making her understand the terrible consequences of disobedience. Even though is hard, He has been with us in the whole process πŸ’“

  2. Im so sorry that this happened to the twin Isabella 😱 im so glad that because He knew already provided for all you would need to get to the hospital and the treatment asap!! Praise Him that she is healing up so quickly πŸ™Œ

    Yes He is our protector Isabella as it says in P91 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+91&version=NIV;ESV
    His word assures us of this πŸ™ our lives when we go through these trials are an open book for ppl to read and a living testimony to your family especially the ones who prayed.

    1. Yes, my sweet Atarah, He is! We need to remember that things will happen to us, but we are never alone. Greate is the One who takes care of us than the one that is the world!!

  3. Dear sweet Isabella I am so grateful that our Darling Lord is healing your child, we really have the Best Ever Healer abd I give our Darling Lord all the glory and praise.

    1. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He protected both of my children and the amount of blessings that He had pored is just amazing!

  4. Oh my heart Isabella. I’m so glad to hear that your baby is healing well and through the ordeal you ran to Him for help and He provided a way for you to get to the hospital.

    β€œβ€¦He will guard your life. The Lord will guard you as you come and go, both now and forever.” Ps121

    1. Yes, He did, against all odds! Prayer is the best weapon we have on this spiritual warfare! And is the best one! Praying over our children is the best blessing we as moms can give them!

  5. Dear Isabella, I am glad that the children are alright and everyone is safe. It reminded me of the verses – “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 3:18 and “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, β€˜My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’” Isaiah 46:10
    Praise the Lord – He has prepared you and your family for this incident. “the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” Psalm 121:8

    1. Thank you, Gioia! On this season of my life, He reminded me to get back to basics! Pray, fast and enjoy His promises. I am reading the Bible with my children, and is just a blessing! To be able to listen to His voice, we need to Know Him and the only way to do that is through His living word!

  6. ~ For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
    That is my promise for this year and He is so faithful

  7. Dear Isabella, I’m glad your children are safe. I rejoice and thank our Beloved for his protection in your lives.
    Whenever I read about something that happened to children, I remember this lesson (https://amoralfin.com/amoralfin-inicio/encontrando-la-vida-abundante/ch12-tu-mejor-proteccion/) that for me was a milestone that helped me always keep in mind that my Husband is the best Father and the best Protector of my daughter. And there is no better way than to give our children to Him, than through our constant prayers.
    Thanks for sharing.πŸŒ·πŸ’•

  8. I praise my Heavenly Husband with you Isa! It is TRUE that prayer is one of the powerful weapons that God gave us to defeat the enemy’s plans. When we let the Holy Spirit guide us in our prayer, we are surprised that He leads us to pray for things that we did not imagine but that He does know. Many times the Lord spoke to me about something very frequently and I would understand that I needed to pray for it, even when it is a sin of mine, I would start praying for it and His word that is powerful fulfills the purpose for which it is sent. He impresses me with how He puts everything together because He has been talking to us for weeks about praying and speaking His word. ❀️

    If you visit us recently be sure to read the power of prayer: https://hopeatlast.com/power-of-prayer/

  9. Dear Isabella, you have come to my mind today. I hope the healing process for your little one is going well. πŸ’•

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