Counselor or psychologist?

"For it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret" E5:12

Beautiful brides, hello!

I just finished reading counseling and psychology, and was reminded of how far my Love has brought me. Years ago, held in the bondage of drugs and sex, I had many traumatic things happened to me and I did many terrible things. But when He freed me, broke the cords of that sin off completely, I chose to go to a drug recovery program at one point. But it never brought me healing. I met with a "sponsor" and I eventually stopped doing that. But when HE broke that sin completely, I never did go talk about what I had been through. Never sought a counselor to help me process anything or dig deep into my mind and soul.

He completely healed me. And He is still showing me areas that there is a lie, that I have once believed about myself or Him, that impacts my life today! Wow! I don't have to go talk about things with someone, to figure out why I am doing certain things, I simply take it to my Love and ask Him! He really does show me!

6 thoughts on “Counselor or psychologist?”

  1. Thank you precious Rasa for your eulogy. Year ago i go to find everyone around me to talk about my problems and i know now he is the best counselor.

    1. it’s true, He truly is the best. who better to heal us than the One who made us?!

  2. Yes Rasa, this is so true. He is the best counselor we could ever have and we get to talk to him whenever we want.

    β€œFor a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭9‬:‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

  3. Such a great testament to His healing and love! It’s amazing how He meets us right where we are and guides us through everything. Praying if it’s His Will that He may deliver my eh with a similar testimony. He is the only sponsor or counselor needed. πŸ™πŸ»

  4. oh how wonderful that He makes all things new. He heals and leads us to complete freedom. whatever we ask in His name and believe it will be done! He will do! What man can make that promise?!?

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