♕ Today's Promise: "We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19
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~ Ruby in California
I will let you know first of all, I am blessed to have all 6 of our children. I thank Him everyday for choosing me to be their mother. Ladies, when He works in us, He extends the blessings to our loved ones all around us. He blesses our children and this makes our trials all worth it, for the next generation.
I’m so happy for our son and my new daughter-in-law. They have a beautiful loving relationship and had a beautiful wedding and beautiful honeymoon to match it. I’m still in awe and so amazed at how much My Love has blessed him and all our children. So many children struggle with the pain of adultery, separation and divorce but finding this ministry has really led me to find Our Healer. He has truly healed not only me but our children and our family as a whole.
I am happy that our son and daughter-in-law have made choices that are pleasing to their Heavenly Father. They chose not to live together before marriage. Even when our son was moved 3 hours away due to his new career. Their relationship stayed strong and pure. Everyone expected her to go with him and move in with him. People are surprised that they didn’t have children out of wedlock. They are shocked to hear that he asked her parents blessing to ask her to marry him before proposing. Ladies, it is possible in this day and age that our children can overcome the world. If we as their parent find our Heavenly Husband, Who does more than we can imagine. For it is He who has overcome the world. Only He can do it. So many people said they’re so impressed and inspired by their decisions.
Every time someone tells me that I have done a great job raising these boys I always say it was not me but by the Grace of God. He has done it! I owe it all to Him. People are often caught off guard and I could tell the Glory to God has sparked thoughts in them. But 2 people at the wedding have replied-definitely yes Glory to God but you are His instrument that He has used to do such wonderful things in all your children and show everyone else around you too.
Wow!! I thank them for their kind words and I know it’s My Love reminding me how pleased He is and how much He loves me.
On a group text message, that our son and his new wife were sending us pictures of their honeymoon in, FH (former husband) send a message saying he’s happy they chose each other and likes how they understand each other and how they communicate, it makes him a proud parent. First, immediately the enemy came in with his lies trying to make me feel like a failure. But in seconds My Love came and crushed the lies of the enemy under His foot with His Truth. Literally within seconds, I felt even more blessed because I knew- I HAVE THAT TOO! I have found that with My HH (Heavenly Husband). He understands me completely and we have the greatest communication. I can tell Him ANYTHING AT ANYTIME. And even more, He loves me just the way I am. There is nothing I or anyone else can do or say to take that away from me!!
FH’s comment did not make me feel sad or feel I was a failure, it made me feel so blessed and so very happy. My Love keeps on reminding me how much He loves me and how wonderful my life with Him truly is. I love my life with Him!!!
My Love is my Protector. Protection is a big deal to my heart because I’ve never felt protected in my life, physically or emotionally. My heart has been hurt so much that I took great measures to protect my heart in the past. So much that this created a hardened heart in me. But now I do feel so protected. He has given me a heart of flesh. Nothing can hurt me now.
Second thing is I don’t feel proud and I never say I am proud of my children. I stay far away from pride now a days. I’ve made big mistakes in my life due to pride. People tell me I must be so proud of my children all the time but I always reply I am so happy for them.
FH (former husband) also told the newlyweds that sometimes the world gets in the way of love and a marriage. He asked them more questions about their relationship and said some things that make me see he has no clue what love is. He doesn’t have it and doesn’t know it. This is what makes me sad and I pray that he someday will turn his heart to The Lord and knows His love. I also pray for other marriages and I want to help women find their True Love and HH (Heavenly Husband) as well. It is the only way to know what True Love really is. To love each other the way He loves us.
I thank My Love for giving me such wisdom to know how blessed I am, how free I am, how forgiven I am and how loved and adored I am.
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you…" John 13:34
"We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:19
"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God." 1 John 4:7
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