Even if I Don’t See Anything Yet

♕ Today's Promise: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

~ Kristine in the Netherlands

☊ PRAISE from Kristine

Dear bride, everything you see here on earth belongs to our God. From Him you have received everything you have. And He longs to give you much more. Everything you need and everything you desire. We just have to ask. We don't have to hold back or think it can't be done because...... No if we ask we can expect that He will give it to us. He will give us according to His riches. As His Bride, He wants to shower us with so many blessings. Because it only hurts and grieves Him if we don't ask.

As His bride He wants to give me what I need and what I long for. I don't have to hesitate or wait until I have a large amount of financial resources to get what I need. My God His wealth is inexhaustible and He will give it to me. All I have to do is ask and expect. I no longer have to look for ways or people who can give me what I need. He is everything I need to meet my needs and wants. In boldness may I come to Him. It gives me a lot of peace of mind not to have to think about how to give.

By believing that He longs to give you everything you need. Will your speech be too. Gratitude is very important here. Because that's all He asks in return. Because He did it for you. Not us ourselves.

This lesson ["The Poverty Mentality Defined"] has taught me that I no longer need to be afraid of providing financial resources when I need them. Of course I have to be wise with everything I have or get. But the more I get the better it is to give more. Believing that He will give me more and more as I give, I never have to fear ever running out again.

Example.....like not having to worry about money with you when you make large financial expenses under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so too I am convinced that giving abundantly of time, encouragement and other things that others people need. Will get you back double from Him. Everything we have in abundance we can give to someone else. Recently I have experienced that the sweet compliments I have always been looking for are given abundantly and only because I myself have started sowing. Give, give, give.

To Him be all glory over all that I have. I will take good care of all that He has entrusted to me. And if someone asks me why I am so happy, cheerful and carefree. I give God the credit for that. No one else.

Dear brides, our Father is the richest man. His sources of wealth are inexhaustible.  He likes to give us what we need and desire. We don't have to wonder if we can or will ask. You don't have to wonder how you're going to pay the bills or the large debt you've been left with. Our God will provide all things according to His riches. All He asks of you is that you ask and that you show your gratitude for all that you have and will receive. For it is not by your own strength that you abound, but by Him. Because He loves you and wants to show you His loving kindness. If you just wait for Him. Oh how blessed you will be then.

"Therefore the Lord longs to have mercy on you, and therefore will he exalt himself to have mercy on you, for the Lord is a God of judgment; Blessed are all who wait for Him." Isaiah 30:18

-My Lord's desire is to take care of me. How loved I feel 🌹

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

-even if I don't see anything yet I can believe it after I ask that I will get it.

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Poverty Mentality is available as an e-book in our bookstore!