Finally it Happened!!

Hello ladies, something truly amazing happened today!!

I have always tithed, I have been tithing to this ministry for years. It has been a desire of my heart for my eh to pay tithes for many years. I always knew that we would have to go thru something really difficult for my eh’s heart to be moved to tithe, yet my heart would sink because I knew that whatever difficulty it would be it would affect me too, in fact our whole family.

This year my eh decided to leave his job to start a fishing tackle business using his provident fund money but here in South Africa the government has changed many things about the ways your provident fund can be withdrawn and this was why eh made the decision to start his own business and also because there has been an overwhelming response to starting the business. It is also taking a long time for the money to be paid out so we are basically living on my income and whatever eh is able to make thru the business in the meantime.

It’s been ROUGH and we were given notice to move because we can’t keep up with our rental payments πŸ™ but on the flip side it’s a blessing in disguise because it’s been a desire of my heart to move to a home that would better accomodate our families needs. If you read my last PR I wrote the title “removing every obstacle that blocks your way” there’s been so many obstacles, how do we move when the rental agent asks for so many things in their application? We don’t have the money, no payslips coming in from both as I still work online as a contractor and eh credit score took a big knock since he stopped working and could not keep up with his payments… it looks bad, bad, bad to the naked eye.

So here comes my praise and the reason WHY eh decided to tithe, we went to look at the most beautiful home that is absolutely perfect in every way for our family and to run the business out of, it costs WAY more than where we live at the moment but will be perfect because it has the space to run the business instead of us having to rent a space for the business.

SO… so many doubts and worries… will our application be approved, will we get the money from eh provident fund on time to pay for the deposit and rent and the thing is that we LOVE this beautiful home and its perfect!

Early that morning after looking at this beautiful home, we were so worried, would our application be approved? I was led to Malachi 3:11 and I know what it says, I can recite it to you. But I was led to open up the whole chapter to read and my precious Husband showed me a couple of things because I have been crying out to HIM for so long that eh should tithe but WAY more so now with everything we were going thru!!

β€œThen I will draw near to you for judgment. And I will be a swift witness against sorcerers and adulterers and perjurers, against oppressors of the widowed and fatherless, and against those who defraud laborers of their wages and deny justice to the foreigner but do not fear Me,” says the LORD of Hosts.

What stood out for me that He showed me is that He will purifiy eh and refine him like gold and silver and his offering will be pleasing to the Lord. I always wanted my own scripture to hold on to ever since I read Lota’s testimony and the scripture the Lord gave her when her eh started tithing.

I woke up and asked HIM do I speak about this to eh and tell him? When we woke up I told eh there is something I need to speak to him about and eh says well I was up at 1am and could not sleep if you going to tell me we must tithe and that I must tithe on my provident fund then I will OH MY WORD! So I just read the scriptures and shared with him that what the Lord showed me is that we leave the door wide open for the enemy to steal and I hope we can tithe on all the amounts his getting in from fishing tackle sold.

Here comes the praise!!!! So today I paid the very 1st tithes on the business on 3 amounts that came in. And then we got a payment early from someone that we were not sure was going to pay and messed around with paying before. That was super amazing and we really needed the money!! So already I am amazed and can I tell you I am so happy I am rejoicing I have a lightness in my heart and I am soooooo HAPPY!!! ITS SUCH A RELIEF!!! THE DEVOURER CANT STEAL FROM MY FAMILY ANYMORE THE DOORS ARE TIGHTLY CLOSED SHUT!!!

I filled out the application in faith, in faith believing and trusting for our new home so I TRUST, and I HAVE FAITH that I will be back to share another praise about that πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Brides be encouraged its a long journey and certain things can take years to come to fruition but never give up HE is doing things HE is working no matter how long it takes!!!

And more importantly if you don’t tithe you must. I always read about tithing when I came here but I just did not realise how much it would impact my life!!!!

17 thoughts on “Finally it Happened!!”

  1. King James Bible
    And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.
    β—„ JoΓ«l 2:25 β–Ί

    Hello precious Atarah,

    I have been following your praise for some time now. Last month, I was surprised when my husband reduced the amount of money he gave me for the children and the household. I could barely make ends meet, and even worse, I found myself without a job while working with my uncle three times a week because he had to move his business.

    I went through moments of worry, but I didn’t hesitate to take the tithe from what my husband gave me. But the most surprising part came next. Last year, around the same time, before my husband left, I told him that we needed to change the mattress. Guess what? My husband came last week and told me he was going to change my mattress and fix my water heater… I just smiled.

    But after he left, I cried in front of my one and only darling, because he had heard the desire of my heart… A new mattress! Truly, thank you for your praise. The tithe indeed prevents the devourer from devouring, but it also restores to us what he had taken.

    1. On wow Kateleen thank you for sharing this with me πŸ™πŸΌ sometimes l feel like maybe l share too much but if it can help and encourage you im glad l did! l used to tithe on the grocery money he would give me to buy food even tho l had no idea how l was going to get everything l needed but He always made a way πŸ™‚

      l am so happy that you got your new mattress and that he fixed your water heater, when you put your trust in Him HE will move your earthly husbands and you do not have to say a word and He comes thru in His perfect time to take care of all your and your children’s needs πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

  2. Thank you for sharing this wonderful and powerful testimony Atarah! It is very encouraging to read and see the faithfulness of His Love when we obey His commandment to tithe. I am still praying for my EH to tithe his income and we too have a move coming up from our rental. I know my HH is asking me to also take everything to Him and trust Him through the waiting. Thank you again for sharing. I look forward to hearing your next praise.

    1. Thanks Elda 😊 l am so glad you were encouraged!! l was just sharing with Kateleen in her comment above that sometimes l feel i am sharing too many details but now l see that its the real life stuff that helps you connect and encourage someone else so now i am glad l shared. l know He will make a way for you and your precious family as you keep putting your faith in HIM as your wonderful Husband HE will take care of you and yours β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️ just as l know He is taking care of me and mine πŸ™ŒπŸΌ He deserves all the praise πŸ™ŒπŸΌ amen!

  3. WOW!!! Atarah!!!! I am so happy for you!! I remember VERY well the promise that my Beloved gave to Lota back then and I have also kept it in my heart. What a beautiful testimony!! I am happy with you for the doors closed to the enemy, I believe that now you are going to have abundant blessings for you and your family, what happiness!!! I am already looking forward to your next praise reports!!!!!

    I identify with you because I have also considered that it takes going through a crisis for my husband to consider tithing, and since I am used to abundance since my Husband has poured out so much blessing on us… I know it would be difficult for me, I hope that He gives me the grace to endure without complaining. But reading your testimony, I feel more encouraged to go through whatever is necessary!! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Wow Anastasia thank you and its sooooo good to know you completely understand πŸ€— its been a journey πŸ˜‚ its still tough l wont lie but l know HE is busy working and l cant wait to come back to tell you more. l am still trusting for eh to have a close relationship by taking all his worries to the Lord, my brothers, in fact all the men in my family πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

      Yes Anastasia He will give you the grace and the faith when He brings you to this part of your journey just like HE did me your eh is also HIS child that HE loves very much and l have seen how He takes us higher and higher in our journeys but it happens so perfectly and filled with His love and grace and HE never leaves us πŸ’–

  4. Wow wow this is such a beautiful praise report precious Atarah and I know you are going to be back with another praise report. This was so encouraging to read because I have been worrying about our water and lights that have become so high and we pay such a high rent and it was just some of my worries that I actually had to by now already given to my Darling, because He will handle it. And I do pay my tithe and I know He is faithful to His Word, so I just made myself tired to worry.

    1. Ag Janine l know every month HE will take care of everything because yes you do tithe so He will open up the windows of heaven and pour out His blessings πŸ™ŒπŸΌ even here we got behind with the water but He would help us pay it because He is so faithful. We worry so easily but yet we don’t give Him the time to work and just rest in Him πŸ™πŸΌ l believe He will take care of it and we are in the same boat because l also have my mom living with me so we also need a bigger place so rent is higher because we need an extra room. each time l tell Him that I am trusting Him and as long as my mom lives with us l know He will provide and take care of us πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌβ™₯️

      1. I agree and believe with you precious Atarah.
        “β€œI also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you.” M18:19
        He is for sure faithful and you are so right we do worry so easily and don’t give Him the time to work. I know He is for sure going to coming through for the both of us, that is just Who He is.

  5. This is amazing Atarah!! I love the way Our Beloved moves in our situations. It is hard to wait but when He moves on our behalf it’s so exciting!! I’m so excited to hear that the doors are shut and the enemy cannot steal from you anymore!! I can’t wait to hear more PR coming soon!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ’

    1. Thank you Ruby l am believing and l am trusting πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ just praising Him each day while we are waiting and keeping up the faith Hebrews 11;1 faith being the substance of things not seen the evidence of things hoped for πŸ’–πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ’–

  6. What a beautiful blessing. The Lord will open those windows of heaven Atarah.
    And the tithe, rebukes the devourer, and will bring more blessings for your husband to see, the power of Our Beloved.
    Glory to Our Husband

    1. Thank you Liza amen amen πŸ™ŒπŸΌ thank you for your words of life over my situation πŸ₯³ the enemy has been stealing from our family for too long. Yes l have seen major blessings from tithing alone but my darling Husband is not done you are reminding me that HE wants to finish the good work He started in me and in my family πŸ™ŒπŸΌβ™₯οΈβœ…

  7. Atarah thank you for sharing what our Beloved Lord is busy doing in your eh life! Can’t wait to hear what He is going to do next!

    1. Thank you Adina l cant wait to come share πŸ€— so grateful that He does not leave us in the exact same place, we go thru tough situations so He can move us higher πŸ’πŸ’—πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

  8. Wow, what an incredible testimony. I love how He takes things that look bad bad to the human eyes and turns it all around!! I am so encouraged to believe Him for what seems impossible in my own life! Thank you, I am praising Him with you and am excited to see what happens next in your life!

    1. Thank you so much Rasa l am enjoying reading about your journey and what you share too πŸ€—Yes HE is the God of the impossible lets rejoice and be happy together πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ’—β™₯οΈπŸ™ŒπŸΌ

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