Get up, rejoice, move, dance, serve, encourage!

"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." Hebrews 13:16

Hello all!

Yesterday, I had one of those days. I didn't sleep well, was tired etc etc so I sat on the couch, with my Bible and journal and lessons and let the kids watch some Bible story movies.

I felt like a little cloud was on my head. I prayed, yes, but still it remained. I made breakfast, then sat back down on the couch.

The whole day goes by, ugh embarrassing, but I finally remembered something, last time I felt this way, I made a list of some of the ways My Love has changed the hearts of me and ppl in my life!

So I get out my #Journal and set to work. And wow, I was so encouraged to see all the answered prayers as I read through my journal! I'm so glad I journal regularly!

Then, I decided to send a friend a link to a beautiful worship song. She called me crying, and we spoke on the phone for hours! We both were so encouraged afterwards, excited for His work in our lives!

Then, I praised God because I had to leave my kids for the weekend at their dad's. But then I was going to be home alone, so I praised Him for that too! But another NEW friend He recently brought into my life, needed help setting up a bunk bed, so I was excited because I happened to have gas and time to help!

We got to talk about Our Beloved and we laughed and enjoyed our work.

By the time I got home I was amazed at how my heart was so full.

So looking back, what will I do next time I am feeling discouraged, down, tired? (Also found journal entries that said I felt low and discouraged and I decided to get up, dance, do art with kids, sing etc)

I will get up, turn on some music, dance, be silly with my kid, make art, go for a walk, turn the TV off!!!!!

Encourage someone else, pray for someone else, or call them and pray with them!!!!

Get up and actually go help someone else!!!

I hope that this encourages you today and I know we all have days like this! But praise God for them because it ushers us into his arms even more, when we truly desire to have no distance between us!!


Why is it important to journal through your lessons? Spectator


5 thoughts on “Get up, rejoice, move, dance, serve, encourage!”

  1. β€œI will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.” Psalm 104:33
    I am imagining you singing and being joyful!!
    With Him, we are joyful no matter what is happening outside!
    Our lives are filled with purpose when we serve and help others, our whole mood changes when we praise and just remember to be thankful for everything!
    Look at what He is doing every single minute of our lives!
    I choose to make today a day that I look at the positives of my life!
    Thank you for sharing!

  2. I will also remember next time I feel discouraged to get up, turn on some music, dance, be silly, make art, and go for a walk all with my Beloved. Thank you Rasa ❀

  3. Journaling is the best thing I’ve done on my restoration journey! I can identify with you in that many times reading it fills me with joy to see the faithfulness of my Beloved during each moment, I love reading about so many answered prayers and His wonderful way of encouraging me. I couldn’t help but remember that one of the things I liked to do most with Him on those boring days was paint, while He listened to praise or meditated on what HE had told me. Thank you for sharing!!

  4. Journalling helped me so much during the worst times, even now. Looking back at my first journals I can see how much my Beloved healed me and transformed me and brought me into the Abundant Life. It always felt like my pain and problems flowed out of me as I poured my heart out to my Husband in my journals and gave me a different perspective of my situation. It also helped me to establish what He taught me in my heart.

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