♕ Today's Promise: "Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
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~Tiffany in New Jersey
I have been wanting to write a praise report but I have been struggling because sometimes the enemy likes to put lies in to my mind. Like I’ve been saying, I want to make a praise report but I don’t have anything to share and thank you Lord that is just not true. So I am here to give Him glory and to encourage you ladies.
While I was still married the Lord completely healed my daughter from autism, she is 100% autism free. Also two years ago, He completely healed my son from Bell’s palsy and a little over a year ago one of my other daughters had a 13 hour surgery for scoliosis and she is perfectly healed.
Also back in January my FH (former husband) had Covid and he was on a ventilator and in a coma for over 30 days and the doctor thought he wouldn’t make it and God literally brought him back to life. And also His mom and his brothers all became followers of Christ, something I never thought would happen, hallelujah thank you Lord.
God removed the hate wall that I had towards my FH. I just want to say that I am the one who left the marriage and committed adultery I would like restoration with my FH (former husband) but he’s married right now, so the Lord is helping me to navigate through this situation. I didn’t want restoration for a long time but then I read a praise report where a woman said she did not want marriage restoration but the Lord showed her that her marriage restoration would be for God's glory and for her children which pierced my heart in a beautiful way.
I also want to share that my children are not in my life but the Lord has been repairing the relationship with two of my children so far and I am so thankful to Him for everything He has been doing in my life. Also He took cigarettes out of my life, thank you my Heavenly Husband. I was a smoker for over 25 years and I have been cigarette free for six months now, there is nothing that God cannot do.
I don’t know where He’s taking me but I know it’s somewhere amazing as long as He is first in my life. I just want to say I think it’s amazing I have love and caring feelings towards my FH because I never thought that would happen, the Lord is amazing. I know I’m not fully there yet but I know God will get me there.
"Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
Dear brides, please remember with God anything is possible.
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Tiffany is a tithing partner. Learn more.
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