Good Results Might be Incremental

Sometimes when we develop good habits, we can miss how they are beneficial, simply because we do them regularly, and the good results might be incremental. Yet, He WILL bless us, and sometimes as a treat, He will give us an INSTANT response–to remind us that we are walking on the right path.

Yesterday, I spent my morning speaking with our Heavenly Love. It is now automatic…I literally say “Good morning, Love” and bask in His presence, then talk with Him as I make my coffee and get out my Bible. If I have no interruptions, or house guests, that usually flows right into some Bible reading and my volunteer work here at RMIEW. Yesterday was no different than usual, and I was drawn to not only do my usual work but to pray especially for specific women that He brought to my heart.

As I was about to close my computer and go on with my household chores, I noticed an email just popped up, so I went to read it. It was from one of the women for whom I had just prayed! She wrote in great JOY of how she was not going to give up (even though she had been tempted to do so.) She said that she had been in such despair, but suddenly that day she KNEW she could carry on because HE was with her!

I want to share the joy I felt with you. Often as we try to develop good habits, nothing seems to really change–we might even slip up and fail. The evil one will use that to discourage us. BUT HANG ON! PERSIST! Spending our time with Him, reading His Word, helping others WILL bear good fruit. Sometimes, it seems like nothing is happening, but if we hang on and trust in HIM, He will give us a glimpse of the good that walking in His path will do!

In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch. (Psalm 5:3)

My soul waits for the Lordย more than the watchmen for the morning; Indeed, more than the watchmen for the morning.

O Israel, hope in the LORD; For with the LORD there is lovingkindness, And with Him is abundant redemption.

(Psalm 130: 6,7)

He is more trustworthy than even the coming of the morning sunrise! Trust in Him! Speak with Him!

~ Beverly

Prayer Team


Happy Birthday Beverly