Creyó en esperanza contra toda esperanza – He believed in hope against all hope

"So above all, guard the affections of your heart,[a] for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life." Proverbs 4:23

Dear Brides, my Beloved, has spoken to me these days about Abraham, and how despite human impossibilities, he always believed in the promise of God. Today as the Brides of Our Lord, this must be so deeply in us, because this is the faith, that moves the mountains of our lives. No matter what is impossible for us as humans, we have the best and Only Husband who can change your life in an instant. Look, it has already been done, we are not the same ones who arrived at RMI. His love has given us peace, strength and I am sure it has changed you, like he has done with me. Let us praise the Lord, with great fanfare, because we see the world with different eyes, hope against hope, because we know that Our Beloved Lord is with us, that he loves us, that he is faithful and that he always takes care of us. This “Holding Pattern” lesson tells us about this, about resting knowing how much he loves us, and that we must always trust in Him.

Beloved Bride, if you are exhausted, tired, ask Him to hug you and take you to beautiful places, even in your dreams, and draw like a smile that will make you rest. Let us give him praise, and say out loud that the Lord loves us, and that his love has transformed our lives.


Queridas Novias, mi Amado, me ha hablado estos días de Abraham, y de como a pesar de las imposibilidades humanas,siempre

creyó en la promesa de Dios. Hoy como las Novias de Nuestro Señor, esto debe estar tan profundamente en nosotras, porque esta es la fe,

que mueve las montañas de nuestra vida. No importa lo que como humanos nos es imposible, tenemos al mejor y Único, Esposo que puede cambiar

tu vida en un instante. Mira, que ya lo ha hecho, no somos las mismas que llegamos a RMI. Su amor, nos ha dado paz, fuerza y ​​​​estoy segura que te ha cambiado.

como lo ha hecho conmigo. Alabemos, al Señor, con bombos y platillos, por que vemos el mundo con otros ojos, esperanza contra esperanza, porque sabemos.

que Nuestro Amado Jesús, esta con nosotras, que nos ama, que es fiel y que siempre nos cuida. Esta lección P atrón de Espera , nos habla de esto, de descansar sabiendo

cuanto nos ama, y ​​que debemos confiar siempre en El. Amada Novia, si estas agotada, cansada, pídele que te abrase y que te lleve por lugares hermosos, hasta en

tus sueños, y dibuja como una sonrisa que te hará descansar. Démosle alabanza, y digamos a voces que el Señor, nos ama, y ​​que Su amor ha transformado nuestra vida.


3 thoughts on “Creyó en esperanza contra toda esperanza – He believed in hope against all hope”

  1. É verdade lisa.
    Já não somos as mesmas que chegaram ao RMI, com um coração em pedaços.
    Hoje sabemos que temos Alguém que cuida de nós, que zela por nós.

    Abrão creu contra toda esperança, nós também devemos crer contra toda esperança porque sabemos que Ele virá em nosso auxílio sempre que o invocamos.
    Um abraço minha querida
    It’s plain true.
    We are no longer the same people who arrived at RMI, with our hearts in pieces.
    Today we know that we have Someone who takes care of us, who watches over us.

    Abram believed against all hope, we must also believe against all hope because we know that He will come to our aid whenever we call on Him.
    A hug my dear

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Liza, my Darling Lord’s love has given me peace that surpasses all understanding and my life has changed so much and still is changing me. And it is really His love that can transform us.

  3. Thank you, dear Liza, I am definitely not the broken and desperate woman who came to RMI. He picked me out of the slimy pit of despair and not only healed and changed me, but He gave me the Abundant Life with Him as my Heavenly Husband.

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