“He Changed my Circumstances Drastically!!”
Today I want to write a Praise Report about how much I have been blessed since I started to Tithe & give offerings to this Ministry.
I want to tell our Brides - you beautiful lady reading this, how much my life has changed financially and to make a comparison using scripture on how much my life & the lives of my family has changed. Today I read the Partner Thank You dated June 14, 2018 and after I read it I sat thinking about how much my life has changed because let's be honest? Finances play a big part in our lives and marriages!!
"You look for much, but behold, it comes to little; when you bring it home, I blow it away . . . Why?" declares the LORD of hosts, "Because of My house which lies DESOLATE, while each of you runs to his own house." —Haggai 1:9 I had to look at scripture and be honest about where I was being spiritually fed.
This was my finances previously, I would get paid, bring it home, pay a couple of expenses then after a couple of days there would be nothing left... Even my cupboards would be bare. The last week of the month would be so difficult trying to figure out what to feed my family. I would even have to buy supper on my canteen account at work which I never felt very good about... Does this sound familiar?
Since I started tithing and giving offerings faithfully, I say faithfully because He changed my circumstances drastically after a period of time, not just my finances but my living situation too.
Matthew 6:19-21—“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Last year my EH "earthly husband" made a decision to relocate so I had to resign my job. I wanted to work for His kingdom and made a decision to work from home as a bookkeeper so I could do ministry work here but He knew in my heart that I actually wanted to work for Him building my treasure in heaven where moth and rust don't destroy. PTL!! An opportunity came up for me to become a Minister here (as most of you know)!! He gave me the desires of my heart and my passion!! Which is to encourage women and tell them how awesome our HH is!!! That He can do ANYTHING!
So now I enjoy the freedom of working from home and my cupboards are never bare!! Also this month I started buying linen I desperately needed which I never had the funds to purchase previously. He spoils me!! Just yesterday I got a bunch of flowers and Lindt chocolate ( my fav!! ) - no special occasion - from my EH but I know its just Him telling me how special I am. 🙂
My life is not rushed anymore. I don't rush home to immediately switch on my stove to start cooking! I don't do washing on a Friday evening and spend my whole Saturday getting my home cleaned! I work at my own pace. My EH takes us out for a meal regularly to spare me from cooking and the Lord blessed him with a job that allows him to look after us. This is another area that drastically changed for my good. My EH used to get paid less than I did—now he gets paid more and pays all our expenses. I no longer stress about paying the rent etc.
Test Him and see!
“Test Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven,
And pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.”“‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows’” —Malachi 3:10
Test me now in this x 2 - twice the Lord is saying we can test Him.
~ Atarah “Better for Me Then, than Now”
Since writing this praise report many years have gone by and l still tithe. In fact l a cant imagine NOT tithing. I am more afraid not to tithe because l know that by not tithing that l am opening the door to the devourer, the enemy to steal from me.
I wrote a praise report earlier this year that l will share because it also involves tithing, because my circumstances changed again. Our circumstances in life are always changing but tithing remains the one constant. In this praise report l share how l received an increase in my hourly rate after working there for just 3 months. I know that this is due to tithing.
Another update l would like to share is that l have moved beyond tithing to giving tithes and offerings as well so l look out for opportunities to give and l ask Him as well where he would like me to give an offering and when l find that perhaps l am in lack lots of opportunities come up for me to give like at my daughters food drive, they are collecting food for families in need for the Dec period.
If you are struggling with your finances please start with tithing and give to your storehouse (where you are being spiritually fed) this is where l started. Looking back over the years tithing has been one of the biggest blessings in my life and if l had to write about it l could probably write you a book!!! ♥️♥️♥️

Do you have a similar testimony or something entirely different He just reminded you about?
RATHER than commenting with accolades to the author of this testimony—
Comment (below) 👇🏼 so we can add it to this book or another Word of Their Testimony Opening Heaven series!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony precious Atarah. Paying my tithes have also been a huge blessing in my life. Just the other day my mum said she can’t believe my life has changed so much, when I asked my mum what she means, she said I am happy and that I don’t struggle financially like I always did and I know it is because of faithfully tithing to my storehouse. I am so very grateful that my mother gets the chance to see what our Darling Lord is doing, because my mother always worried so much about me and now my Darling is opening the windows of heaven over my life and my dear mum and dad is all part of it.
Wow Janine that is amazing, l can relate to that so much always struggling… it was my mothers 71st birthday and l was able to buy her a lovely cake, bear in mind its days away from my payday. l know its only because of His provision, growing up we never celebrated birthdays because there just wasn’t any extra and l never knew about His provision thru tithing… there’s no way l could have my mom live with me and take care of her the way l have, the beautiful thing is when l said Happy Birthday to her she hugged me so tight thanking me. its only because of Him that l have love in my home and that l can take care of my family, l feel so emotional sharing this. its only due to Him he pours out so many blessings when we make that decision to put Him 1st in every area of our lives.
I took am amazed at how tithing has changed so much. not only did the Lord use tithing to show me that everything comes from Him, and all the years I failed to trust Him, making me more amazed at hid grace and also a new desire to trust Him in the area of my finances. We now have enough, and even more for things we want! I no longer worry about giving away things, because I know the Lord can bring them back if He wanted or not, and I’m perfectly fine, because He provides so perfectly.
There is also this beautiful testimony from Paula for today. What a wonderful testimony to add to our WOT OH (Word of their Testimony Opening Heaven Book
What a powerful testimony of our Beloved’s faithfulness when we obey and start tithing. I can relate to everything you shared Atarah because tithing not only changed my financial situation, but also my journey. It changed my Restoration Journey to a Healing and Abundant Life journey!
Thank you Atarah for sharing your update with us, it is so beautiful to be able to testify to His faithfulness!!! I enjoyed reading Jannine’s comments and yours about how your own financial blessing and joy has blessed your mothers who were able to see that it was by putting the Lord first in their finances that they have been protected in that area. I have also seen the multiple blessings of my Lord through tithing, I can say that I went from having enough money to feed myself to having my pantry overflowing with food, among SO many other financial blessings that I have received since tithing. All praise goes to my Beloved who has taken such good care of me!
Merci pour vos témoignages, j’ai aussi fait l’expérience de donner la dîme. Grâce à cette expérience avec Lui, j’ai appris à lui faire confiance et à ne plus demander à autrui. C’est Lui qui m’a donné le travail ce qui m’a permis d’honorer m’a promesse. Avant de travailler je passer beaucoup de temps avec Mon Mari, le travail a diminué ce temps. Je lui en ai parlé et il a entendu, a peine 2 mois après mon embauche, j’ai eu droit à une journée de télétravail, au lieu d’attendre 1 an. Puis un 2e et j’ai prié pour un 3e jour et la prière a été exaucée aujourd’hui. Oui, les greniers sont remplis, je peux passer plus de temps avec les enfants, Il m’aide à bien travailler mais surtout nous avons plus de temps tous les 2. Je le loue pour son amour et ses bontés envers nous !
Thank you for your testimonies, I have also had the experience of tithing. Through this experience with Him, I learned to trust Him and not ask others anymore. It is He who has given me the work, which has enabled me to honor my promise. Before working I spend a lot of time with My Husband, work has decreased this time. I talked to him about it and he heard, barely 2 months after I was hired, I was entitled to a day of teleworking, instead of waiting 1 year. Then a 2nd and I prayed for a 3rd day and the prayer was answered today. Yes, the attics are full, I can spend more time with the children, He helps me to work well but above all we have more time together. I praise him for his love and kindness to us!
Dear Atarah, tithing was something so unknown to me, because I didn’t know it was in the Bible until I got here. And when I started tithing, I remember that the first day I did it, that same day, my earthly husband wrote to me after almost a month of leaving home without knowing anything. It was as if my Beloved gave me confirmation of the power of tithing. For a few months I tithed from what was left of my salary, but He told me that I was doing it wrong, that I should do it on the entire salary, without deductions.
At first I was afraid that it wouldn’t be enough because it was giving more than I was giving, but He guided me, and I started tithing correctly.
And I can say that there have been so many blessings from Him. Before I started this Journey, and my earthly husband was at home, we did the shopping and we didn’t have enough at the end of the fortnight. Today, with only my salary, and half of what I used to spend, I always have enough.
Tithing is a powerful weapon against the devourer, and an act of obedience that reflects love for God.
I could not stop tithing, because it would be like stealing from my Beloved, and I have seen how He gives to me and my children.
Thank you RMI, for teaching me this great blessing and praise be to Our Beloved.
It is so beautiful to read all these testimonies of tithing. It touches my heart. We have a wonderful caring Heavenly Man. I was raised with a strong poverty mentality, my parents were always short of money and had a large debt. Money was very important to me because I had experienced how terrible it is to always have too little. In my marriage my fear of not having enough money had a big impact. I was always nagging my ex-husband for money and would panic if I did not have enough to buy groceries. I often urged him to work more and try harder to earn more money. I was truly terrible. When I learned what tithing meant, I struggled to apply this principle. I was so afraid that I would come up short. But how wonderful is our Heavenly Man, He keeps His promise and now I can enjoy His riches. He manages and protects my finances and gives my abundant wealth