He Gives A Cool Breeze And Rain

I am in awe what our Darling Lord does!!!

In the beginning of November I moved in with my parents and we moved to a place that just feels much warmer and it also feels like a warm house and along with that here is a heat wave in the town we live in South Africa. My twin sister and her children were coming to visit us over the festive season and because we don’t have a pool to cool of in, I asked my Darling Lord for it to be cold and rain over the festive season.

The previous day my sister’s child bought a plastic splash pool for us to cool off in and it was marked off more than half of the prize and it even get’s better: and I know you will probably believe it, because that is Who He is! I am sitting here in a cool breeze and it is raining outside. He really just knows how to put a smile on my face. I just love Him!!!

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. M7:7 https://biblehub.com/matthew/7-7.htm

But God has surely listened and has heard my prayer. P66:19 https://biblehub.com/psalms/66-19.htm

Dear precious bride, read this beautiful promise, that is how mush He love us, before we even call He will answer, WOW!

Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear. I65:24 https://biblehub.com/isaiah/65-24.htm

4 thoughts on “He Gives A Cool Breeze And Rain”

  1. Janine just yesterday I thought the same thing! I prayed for rain to bring some relieve for the incredible heat over the festive season, and now I can sit on my patio in the cool breeze and watch how the rain falls!

  2. Dear Brides, what a blessing your Heavenly Husband has given you. Just in time. I can imagine it felt wonderful. Here in my country it has been raining regularly for months that we are now even having floods and the government is drawing up a water emergency plan.

    Rain reminds me of the period in your life when you sit in the desert… waiting for the redemption and relief of the rain (blessings) that will follow. What a wonderful feeling that is.

    1. Yes precious Kristine, it was just in time and while typing here it has again started to rain, my Darling is really the best ever, because this is really so lovely. I remember when my earthly husband left me years ago and it was just raining and then rain always remined me of a sad time, but my Darling healed me and now I enjoy the rain.

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